14. Anwsers

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*Jaemin's P.O.V*

Everyone stayed at Renjun's that night some in the bedroom's and everyone else in the living room. Chenle has his own room their so he slept there with Jisung and Donghyuck since he needed to watch those two.

The Jaeyong couple got a room, the Luwoo couple got a room and then he sent a few others into rooms and their weren't a lot of people left.

"Hey Jaemin you can sleep in my room I have a couch there" I nodded and followed him.

"Why would you ask me to sleep in your room" He sighed.

"I need to talk to you"


*Next day*

We all left Renjun's house at about one o'clock, Lucas and Jungwoo went home and it was time for me to go home and face my mum. 

I walked the ten minutes to my house and stood out the front for a few minutes before walking up to the door and knocking. It took a few seconds before my mum opened the door and as soon as she saw me she broke down in tears and latched onto me like her life depended on it.

"M-My baby" She cried harder. I tried to calm her down, it took a few minutes but it worked.

"I-I thought y-you would hate m-me" She sniffled.

"Let's go inside mum" She was still crying but not so badly, we walked into the living room and sat down.

"We need to talk mum about everything how you met my father and why you stayed with that monster"

She took a deep breath "I met your father right after I got married he was kind and amazing and I didn't think I'd fall in love I just thought we'd be friends" She paused.

"It was one stupid drunk night and we promised to never talk about it but then I found out I was pregnant and- " I cut her off "How do you know it was his then"

She smiled sadly "I went to the doctors and found out when I got pregnant I was one month and it was a month after I slept with your father and I only slept with my husband a week before the doctors to try and forget about your father"

"So when did you tell my father about me"

"I told him right after I found out he wanted to run away together but I couldn't do that to him he had just inherited his families company and I couldn't ruin his families legacy and I couldn't find the heart to tell your father about the affair"

She looked like she was about to start crying again "I told him we couldn't speak again and that he had to forget about me about us and then I left and pretended that it never happened until he found out that you weren't his child"

"I was scared that he would find out since you looked nothing like him and barely like me but that wasn't how he found out when you were young you needed a blood test you were type AB and we were both O negative so then he did a DNA test and found out you weren't his son"

"That's when he started abusing me we both hid it from you because you weren't to blame for my mistakes but when your father came to the house to meet you and want to be in your life he started to hate you for ruining our marriage"

"And that's when he started beating me up just like you" She started crying again and I went to go comfort her.

"Please come home baby I miss you" She sniffled.

"I'll come home mama I promise" she cried harder.

"I'm sorry for being the cause of your pain my baby" She told me while calming down.

"No it's not your fault it's nobodies but that monsters fault" She nodded her head.

"I have something to tell you" She looked at me weirdly and I took a deep breath.

"I told one of my friends about everything and he told me he knows my father and he can get a hold of him if I want but I want to know your thoughts first" She looked shocked.

"You mean you want my thoughts on meeting your biological father" I nodded.

"Do it you deserve to have that father son bond that you never had because of me"

"Mum it's not your fault I told you that" She smiled.

"I need to go tot eh store and get some groceries"

"I'm going to go out for something to eat" She laughed and left.


I went to the park that was ten minutes away from my house and I just sat on one of the benches, I was there for a few hours just staring at the happy families, I know I lied to my mum but I really was going to get some food I just decided not to.

I was wrapped up in watching everyone else I didn't even notice someone sat down next to me.

"Jaemin" I heard someone say and turned my head and it was Jeno.

"Hey Jeno what are you doing here" He smiled his famous eye smile, and I think my heart melted.

"I was just going for a run and saw you sitting all alone"

"Well it's nice of you to join me" He chuckled.

"Now my question is what are you doing here all alone at six thirty" I was shocked was I really here for that long.

"I was just thinking" He sighed.

"No you weren't you were staring out longingly at all those happy families I do it too" He sighed again, he wasn't wrong.

"You want to talk about it"

I thought about it "Only if you do" He chuckled darkly.

"Where do I begin"

He told me his story, I felt sorry, losing your family at such a young age it stays with you forever. When he finished tears were threatening to fall out of my eyes he looked at me and asked me to tell my story.

I told him, everything I had told Renjun a week ago and Jungwoo a year ago, when I finished and looked at his face he looked pissed but when he looked at me his face softened, I looked at him, looked at every feature, he's breathtakingly beautiful.

"Are you going to Renjun's for new years" I nodded, over the last week or so I've gotten really close with Renjun, I love it, I'm just sad I'm not as close with Jeno.

"I'll see you there Na" He winked and walked away.


Hello lovelies how are you doing, I hope your eating well and your taking care of yourselves. Have a good day or night. 

And thank you for 1.5K reads it means a lot to me

I will try to update more than once a week but it is hard to find the time because I work most days from 9-5 sometimes longer. But I will try to update if I don't update once a week please don't be mad

Thank you

🥰I love you❤️

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