17. Set Up

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*Jaemin's P.O.V*

I walked home, I knew the way and there were some street lights that helped me, when I got home my mum was in the living room eating a tub of ice cream and watching grim, she's watched that like ten times now.

She looked shocked to see me, I went to sit with her.

"What's wrong baby" I cried, I don't like crying,

My, let's call him step-father, always said that crying made you weak.

I cried until I fell asleep. I love my mum, even through all the horrors she's gone through she's managed to stay strong and be there for me not matter what happened.

She truly is my hero.

When I woke up that morning I was asleep on the couch, no wonder my back hurts. 

There was music coming from the kitchen, When I got there my mum was dancing and singing to Got7's Calling my name, I had to join her it would be offensive not to.

We danced and sang for more than an hour, we listened to Red Velvet, Exo, BTS, Twice, Stray Kids, etc...

"Okay kid turn off the music we have to talk" I sighed, she's going to make me tell her about midnight, and then she'll tease me and call me stupid for running away.

"Well there are these two boys that I like Renjun and Jeno"

"Oh those boys I remember when you three would sit in your room and talk about your wedding oh it was beautiful"

"Mum shut up they don't remember me"

"Maybe they don't remember you exactly but I'm sure they remember the memories"

"Back to what happened Donghyuck and I made a deal that if I kissed them he'd kiss the boy he likes and when I kissed them I got really embarrassed and I ran out of there and I left my phone there so I can't call anyone" I waited for her response, after a minute she burst out laughing.

"You cried because of embarrassment baby it's okay to be sad but you need to talk to them now don't be a pussy"

"Mum stop it" She laughed at me again.

She tossed me her phone "Here's my phone make some calls and talk to them" She walked away leaving me with my thoughts.

I knew who not to call straight away, definitely not Donghyuck, he'd tease the shit out of me, Not Jungwoo because he'd start bringing up all the things I've told him, Not Taeil because he doesn't believe in love, Not Jisung because he doesn't care he would say it's interrupting his Chenle time.

That leaves only Taeyong, luckily my mum has all my friends numbers saved in her contacts to find out where I am so she can stalk me.

He picked up the phone straight away

"Taeyong it's Jaemin" He gasped

"Jaemin are you okay why did you run away Renjun and Jeno where all upset when you left they sulked and snapped at anyone who tried to talk to them I tried calling you but you left you phone here and-"

"Hyung I'm fine I promise are you still at Renjun's house"

"Of course I am why"

"I have an idea"

"What help do you need"

"I just need you to get Renjun and Jeno to the park we always go Can you do that"

"Yes I can but Why what do you have planned"

"You'll find out later"

"Okay when do you want them there"

"In three hours and don't tell them why they are going there if you have to kidnap them to make this work by all means kidnap them"

"I'll see you in three hours Jaemin"

"Goodbye hyung"

My plan needed help and lots of it, I don't remember much from what we did together when we were younger, but my mum did, so I'll need her help.

"MUM I HAVE A PLAN I NEED YOUR HELP" I screamed out, she ran into the kitchen

"WHAT DID YOU DO" She screamed.

"I have a plan but I need your help"

"Well of course you do what do I need to do"

I told her my plan, in all honesty I thought she'd laugh and call it stupid but she said it was a good plan, I asked her to get all the photos we had together, everything that was important to us back then.

She came back five minutes later with a box filled with photos, there was three little lunchboxes, and a small box.

"What's in the box mum" I held up the small box and she laughed and told me to open it, there was three plastic rings.

"You guys called them your wedding rings I remember one night you told me that you would get them ones like mine and your step-fathers"

"I need those then and go through the photos and pick out the ones with all three of us" She nodded and told me to go take a shower because I stink, I don't think I stink.

When I finished my shower there was clothes set out for me by my mum, it was just a pair of light blue jeans and a white hoodie.

I walked downstairs to a mess of photos everywhere, I don't know how my mum managed to mess up the kitchen with just a box of photos and small items but she did.

"Okay I know there was a lot of photos but it wasn't that much that you had to destroy the kitchen" She rolled her eyes.

"Well you wanted the photos of you three but it's hard to find just photos of you three but there are a lot with you Donghyuck and Jisung if you want"

"No I just need a few of Renjun Jeno and I"

"Is twenty enough" I nodded and she sighed.

"Good let's get your make up done because if you're going on a date with them you need to look perfect not that you already don't"

"Fine but not too much okay mum" She smiled and went to get her makeup bag. 

When she finished and I looked in the mirror, she was right I do look a little better.

"How much longer do I have" I asked

"An hour and a half let's get everything and set it up in the park" I nodded and went with her to grab everything.

We walked ten minutes to the park and went to the playground right under the tree that we used to climb when we were younger.

I took thirty minutes to set everything up, there was a picnic cloth on the ground and the photos set out in a heart with the box in the middle of it.

I decided to go get some food, my mum waited for me and when I got back we had time to kill, she told me stories about us when we were younger.

There was five minutes left and Taeyong called me telling that they would be there in two minutes, I told my mum to leave and I sat down waiting for them.

I saw them in the distance walking over and started feeling anxious, but I kept a smile on my face, I stood up while they stopped right in front of me

"Hey guys" I smiled at them


Hey Guys how was your day

Today my friend asked me what song goes like "Hey Mamacita Nega AYAYAYAYA"

And I told her it was Mamacita by Super Junior, she looked at me and was like

"Nah it was something else"

So I played the song and watched her face drop when she realised I was right.

Have a good day, eat well and take care of yourselves

🥰I love you❤️

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