9. I Messed Up

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Ugh my head hurts' I woke up in a random bed next to a random guy, and I only had boxers on.

"Fuck what did I do" I shouted.

I felt the guy next to me move around but he didn't wake up, I looked at his back, he was wearing an oversized red shirt and hopefully something underneath. I looked around the room, it was really nice, fit for a king. I wonder where I am and what happened.

"Hey dude please tell me if we did something" I looked over at him, but he didn't flinch he was still asleep.

I rolled back onto my back and lay still looking at the roof, I looked around the room and it was massive, there was three doors, one I guess was the exit the others must be a bathroom and a closet. My clothes weren't anywhere in fact the floor was clean there was nothing. 

It felt like forever before I heard something going on outside and someone opened the door, and when I saw who it was I think I nearly died of embarrassment. 

"Morning sleepy head" He taunted 

"Good morning" I whispered

"What happened" I sat up and he walked over and sat on the edge of the bed

"Do you want the whole story or the sugar-coated version" He chuckled

"Just give it to me straight" I sighed

"Well first you got super drunk you kept calling me 'Princess Injunnie', So I took you outside so you could get some air but then some guy came out and he was also super drunk and you threw up on him, then his friend came out after him and said he couldn't take him home as his parents would kill them both so they came here to my house but you two were really attached to each other and wouldn't let each other go but you also wouldn't let me go so you guys got changed and we slept here" He ended on a happy note

"Who's the other guy" I pointed to the guy next to me

"Lee Jeno" He shrugged while I gasped

"Well shit I threw up on the most popular people in the school" He chuckled

"Shut up Renjun this isn't funny I'm going to be dead" I hid my face in my hand when I realized if I took of my clothes he would of seen my scars.

"Did you maybe not see the-"

"Scars and bruises on your body" He cut me off

"Yeah those" I mumbled

"I won't ask because I believe that everyone is entitled to a secret" He smiled sadly

"Thank you and maybe one day I'll tell you about it" He moved closer to me and hugged me so I hugged back

"I also won't tell your friends because I bet you don't want them to know" He said a little muffled since his face was in my chest.

"Do you wanna get up and make breakfast for everyone" I asked when he got up

"I can't cook" He whined

"I can let's go" I got up, and then remembered about Jeno

"Should we wake him up" He nodded and went to push him a little and he stirred but didn't wake up, so I pushed him a little harder and he woke up

"Where am I" He yawned, I sat down on the floor as Renjun told him the story while he went through the same stages as I did.

"Hey Renjun do you have any clothes I can wear" I called out when he was done

"Yeah I probably have something that fits you" He ran of into another room which I guess was a closet and he came out with a pair of grey and Black sweatpants and a blue and white shirt.

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