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Jeno's P.O.V

Some day's I wished I wasn't who I was, the most popular boy at school, some days people just want to walk into school without being bombarded by people who want to know everything about you or want to ask you out. Everybody wants to be popular, it sounds great, but I really just want to be the quiet kid at the back of the class, the only reason I'm even popular is because I'm good at basketball, nobody really likes me they just like my skills, the only people who care are my closest friends Johnny, Yuta, Doyoung, Jaehyun, Mark, They are my family, since I have none.

My parents died nine years ago in a car fire, I was eight, and I my only relatives live too far, so I stayed with Doyoung until I was old enough to live on my own and then I found a place of my own, and now I work to pay rent, it would be easier if I had someone, but I don't. Doyoung tries to take care of me and help as much as he can but sometimes it's not enough, he did help me get through the pain though, and I will always thank him for that.

"Hey Jeno let's go play some basketball before class"

"Coming Yuta Hyung"

Basketball, it's really my only escape, it keeps my head on straight when I'm not focusing, and I have never been more thankful to Doyoung for introducing me to Yuta, because Yuta got me into basketball.


"You can't surprise me hyung I'm the best at everything"

"Okay let's bet"

"Can we do this later, I'm going to be late and I have to speak to Doyoung first"

"Alright let's talk at lunch"

"Bye Hyung"


"Alright Doyoung hyung what did you want to ask"

"There is this boy in your class named Na Jaemin tell him to meet me at lunch"


"That's not important"

"Okay I will hyung"

"Thank you bye"


He hugged me and ran off to class, the bell was going but I needed a second to figure out what he's doing, I don't know this kid, he sounds familiar but I don't know him. Something has been up with Doyoung lately and it's been messing with my head.

Crap I'm so late now


I ran around through school to get to my class, I was gonna be in so much shit.

"Sorry I'm late sir" I rushed through the door and apologized and for once I wasn't in trouble the teacher just told me to sit, and the only spot was next to that kid that Doyoung needed me to talk to, it's perfect.

"It won't happen again sir"

"I hope so Mr Lee"

"Again sorry sir"

I practically ran to my seat trying to talk to this kid as fast as possible, but it was hopeless, I never had an opportunity, something always came up right when I needed to say it, the universe was against me today.

I had to wait till the end of class and tap him on the shoulder.

"Hey you're Jaemin right"

"That's me"

"Great, my friend Doyoung said to meet him at lunch"

"Great, I'll see him then

And with that he walked of, I've heard stories about this kid, nothing makes him angry he's apparently immune to anything, he's apparently the nicest kids in our school. He seems interesting and kinda cute - Wait no snap out of it. 



Where is Doyoung when you need him, oh that's right he ditched me to be with that nice kid Jaemin, and no I have to deal with these idiots. 

"Guys stop screaming"

"Heads up Jeno"


"I'M GOING TO KILL YOU" I screamed, what the hell they just threw half there lunch at me, those chicken nuggets hurt when they're thrown at your head, I could of eaten those.

I chased them until I lost them which was about the back of the school, and I noticed Doyoung and that boy talking, what is it about, all I heard them say was 

"My best friend finally deserves some happiness"

"What do you mean"

"Nothing go away"

"And your the nice one"

"I am"


And then that boy walked off and Doyoung went up the stairs behind him, I know I shouldn't but I wanna know where he's going so I followed him.

Up every step, making sure they each step was quieter than the last,

"I know you following me Jeno, What's up"

"I didn't think you heard me"

"I'm a lot smarter than you think"

"I know I just wanted to know what your doing"

"Follow me"

I followed him the rest of the way up the stairs, and when he stopped we were on the roof, I didn't even know our school had a roof. 

"Let's talk"


"How do feel about change"


"I asked how do you feel about change"

"What does this have to do with anything"

"This has to do with everything"

"Okay then, change is great, a lot of people don't think so maybe because they're scared of something new but in truth something new is mostly always better it's good to change things up once and a while I didn't like some changes that happened in my life but without them I wouldn't be who I am I lost my parents and that was probably the worst change in my life but it shaped me into who I am now so in my opinion change is good and useful"

"Thank you now I'll tell you"


"So me and that kid called Jaemin are trying to get Yuta hyung and his crush Winwin together"


"Because he deserves this happiness"

"But how do you even know Winwin likes him back"

"I have my sources"

And with that he walked off, what did he mean about that, and why did he ask me about change, maybe somethings changing, I hope so.


[I hope you liked this chapter]


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