25. Hangover

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*Jaemin's P.O.V*

I woke up with a pounding headache lying on the couch with Jeno's foot in my face and having no top on

"Never drinking again" I whispered. I fell of the couch after hearing yelling coming from the other room and saw Taeil storming out, he looked pissed

I walked over to him to try and ask what was wrong but he brushed me off and stormed past, I walked into the room he came from, it was a bedroom, Doyoung was sitting on the floor

"Hyung what happened" He looked close to crying

"It's fine Jaemin" He turned away from me

"I know we aren't that close but you can tell me what's wrong I wont judge you" I sat next to him and he turned to me

"It's my fault we were fighting and I brought up something that happened two years ago which I promised to never hold against him" He had tears streaming down his face

"What happened two years ago"

"He got in an accident which killed his cousin and he blames himself and I brought it up" I didn't know that, why didn't I know that

"I was the only person who he told because he didn't want to lose his friends" He sighed

"Why does he blame himself"

"Because he begged him to take him drinking and then when his cousin drove him home they were wasted and they spun out of control and his cousin didn't make it so now he says that if he didn't make them go drinking he would still be alive"


"I WASN'T THINKING" He yelled back

"and he said some horrible things to me too" He mumbled softly 

"You sound like a two year old" He scoffed

"So are you going to apologise" he shook his head

"He has to apologise first since he started it"

"Again you sound like a two year old" He pouted and turned away

"Moving on do you remember what happened last night" I tried to concentrate, I had a massive headache

"I think so and I regret a lot of it"

"Do you remember that you and Jeno fought" I did but I had to think hard to remember what it was about

"Oh right he said that I love Renjun more so then I got defensive and then we settled out differences by making out for a bit" He sighed

"I need to bleach my eyes after seeing that and also don't hurt Jeno or I will throw you off a roof" We talked for a bit before he checked his phone then he shooed me out of the room

I walked back to the living room to see Renjun standing there "Jaemin where were you I got worried"

"I was talking to Doyoung why what's wrong" 

"Well you weren't in very good shape and after last night I thought you might of hurt yourself" He walked over and made me sit on the couch, he walked of and came back with a shirt and threw it at me then he walked back over to the kitchen

"I made breakfast" he yelled out and I ran to the kitchen

"Okay I shouldn't of run cause I feel like I'm gonna throw up now" He laughed at me and brought a small bin over

"Here throw up in here don't ruin Mark's floor" He kissed my cheek and walked back into the living room

"Well at least he's got his priorities straight" There was bacon and eggs on the table with a glass of water

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