12. Walk Of Shame

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I haven't managed to go on Wattpad all week but today I went on Wattpad today and Y'all I got 1.1K reads, I didn't think I'd even get one when I published this shitty book but thank you so fucking much

"Nana wake up" I opened my eyes and I realised I was in Jungwoo's and Lucas's bed.

"How long have I been asleep for" I sat up.

"Three hours" I sighed.

"Where's Lucas"

"He went to go get some food for us so now would be a perfect time to talk"

sighed and told him everything, Jungwoo is the one person in the world I can't lie to and tell everything. By the time I finished he was in tears and was hugging me so tightly.

"I'm sorry Jaemin I'm so sorry" He cried harder.

"It's not your fault why are you sorry"

"I don't know I just wanted to say sorry" I laughed at him, he always was one for dramatics.

"Well it's fine we all know my parents are fucked up"

"Maybe you should tell someone else it's not good to keep everything bottled up" I smiled sadly

We heard someone knock on the door and Jungwoo started laughing

I looked at him confused "What's so funny" 

"Lucas forgot his keys again" He got up and walked outside the room to open the front door and screamed for me to come out and eat with them.

"Isn't like ten and you guys are eating now"

He sighed "Well we didn't get to eat when we were meant to because we got you and then didn't want to eat without you" 

"Thanks guys that means a lot" Jungwoo smiled at me and then hit Lucas because he was just eating and wasn't paying attention.

"What I'm hungry" 

"Just smile at him" Lucas rolled his eyes and turned to me and smiled.

"You guys are literally the cutest couple" I had to say it, no matter what shit happened to them they got through it together. 

*The Next Day*

I slept on the couch that night which was not good for my back but I already was staying in their tiny one-bedroom apartment. They weren't awake yet so I just left a note on the table saying that I didn't wan to wake them up but I was going home and thanking them for letting me stay here.

When I got outside the sun was rising I knew my way home but I wanted to take my time so I took the long way home, which conveniently went past Renjun's house. Before I knew it I was standing at the gates contemplating if I should go and say hi but before I could decide he was walking out of the house with a pissed of expression and storming towards the gate. He looked really angry until he say me and then he just looked confused.

 I waved "Jaemin what are you doing here" He opened the gate and walked to me.

"Well I was walking home and went passed your house and thought I should say hi"

"Well I was going to get some breakfast you want to come with me" He started walking away.

"I could eat" He chuckled.

We walked about five minutes to a little café I've been once before with Jungwoo, but that was two years ago. He led me to a table in the corner of the shop and we sat down and talked.

"What are you going to get" I asked him.

"The same thing I always get pancakes what are you getting"

"I'll have the same as you" He got up to go order and came back and said it will be ready in a few minutes.

"This might not be my business but what why did you look so pissed off this morning when you left your house" He sighed

"My father called me this morning and every time he calls he always has something bad to say to me"

"I'm sorry my father is also a jerk"

"Yeah is he the one who put the bruises and scars on you body" I did not expect that, nobody has ever figured out that.

"I don't know what you're talking-" He cut me off "Yes you do your father hits you"

"Well it's fine we all know my parents are fucked up"

"Maybe you should tell someone else it's not good to keep everything bottled up" I smiled sadly

I took a deep breath and listened to the advice Jungwoo gave me "How'd you know"

"You cover them up you don't talk about your family and Jungwoo looked so scared when you said that you were going home"

"Did anybody else notice" He shook his head

"Even if they did they wouldn't be able to piece together what's happening if they haven't seen the bruises and scars"

"You wont tell anyone will you"

"I cross my heart I won't tell a single soul" I smiled at him then I heard a cough

"Hate to break up this cute couple moment but here's your food" The waiter put down our breakfast and walked back.

We talked about anything and he thankfully never brought up my father. We left about an hour later and walked to a park near the café.

"Why were you walking past my house this morning it obviously wasn't to say hi"

"I was staying at Jungwoo and Lucas's place"

"Did you walk from their cause that's quite far" 

I smiled "I needed to get some air so I walked home from his house and walked past your place and here we are"

"Why aren't you going home now"

"I can't my dad is currently on the verge of death but it's my mum who I don't want to see"

"If you don't mind me asking What happened" I took a deep breath and told him everything that happened yesterday, he didn't say anything he just sat their and listened to me.

He looked thoughtful "Choi Siwon are you sure"

"Yeah why do you know him"

"He's one of the only good men who is business partners with my father he helps charities and is super kind"

"He sounds like a good man"

"Do you want to meet him" I don't know do I want to meet him or not, he might not be a great as Renjun says he is.

"I don't know"

"If you do the offer is always there"

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