Mama Bears And Bear Cubs

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Robb had been in disarray since Jaidyn had left with Aden

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Robb had been in disarray since Jaidyn had left with Aden. His main concern was for their safety. A woman and a babe traveling in the North in a time of uncertainty was not good. One thing that settled his mind was the fact that Jaidyn's trusted advisor was by her side.

He overlooked a map of Westeros trying to mark out where she might be. The first choice would be Winterfell, but that was still under the control of the Ironborn making it not an option. The next option might be her birthlands, the island was not easy accessible and her kin would be willing to protect her. But when he asked Maege Mormont on whether or not she would go there, the woman had sent scouts to try and attain information. None have seen the queen.

Maege Mormont was not pleased with the fact that her niece had run off. Catelyn was always worried for the safety of the girl she had raised and her first grandchild. But neither of the woman could seem to figure out why Jaidyn had left so abruptly. Nor could they figure out where she might be headed.

All three of them knew that the news the queen had left would stir up some wild accusations. In fact, if word got to the Lannisters, that they themselves couldn't locate her, then it would be more pleasing. They needed to make sure that no one could know that they had no clue where the queen escaped to and why.

It wasn't long till people had began to notice her lack of presence. The soldiers not thinking anymore than her staying out of sight with her babe. But the lords had been well aware of her lack of appearance. She had been rather insistent that they not view her as a queen and Lady but one of their own willing to fight. They didn't think she was one to back down especially when she had just gotten their attention after her fight with the Lannisters.

Wanting to put any questions aside, the trio had decided to tell them that she had indeed left to Bear Island. None of them knew that one lord had always set his spies in place and none of them had seen the queen or future heir. This led him to believe that they themselves didn't know where she would be, allowing him to think he had an advantage.

Due to his cunningness, he had opted to chose a route that was in favor of him. Long had he been a mere nother house under the almighty Stark household. He longed to be more and have some influence over more than his corner of the North. If only he had done his research better.

The lords weren't the only one to notice how the royal family seemed to keep tight-lipped about the queen. Talisa had marked when she hadn't seen the queen in days. Not to mention, none of the women who were assigned to check in on the new babe were called. No one heard the cries of a newborn babe.

Her curiosity had gotten the better of her one evening. This led her to the large tent to inspect. What she found had in fact pleased her. The tent seemed to be empty aside from the king's artifacts. This only made her think her plan had a better shot than any. She was pulled from her thoughts when she heard their voices before she saw them.

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