Ulterior Motive

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"Is she beautiful?" Talisa asked her companion that walked beside her

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"Is she beautiful?" Talisa asked her companion that walked beside her.

The army had stopped on their long journey south and the nurse had sought to request supplies. But the king had opted to being her along to gather them. Now the two were merely talking as they made their way back to camp.

As Robb was conversing with the foreign woman, Jaidyn happened to slip into the conversation. Thus, opening up the topic of his Queen wife.

"The most beautiful lady I've ever seen." Robb stated remembering Jaidyn's beauty.

"What is her name?" Talisa questioned wondering about the woman who held the king's heart.

"Mormont. Her house is a loyal one to the North. They say a Mormont man fights with the strength of ten." He explained as they walked.

"I'm sure that's how you met her then. Was your marriage one of duty?" Her question making him look at her oddly. He didn't expect this question to come.

"No. She was a ward brought to Winterfell when we were little. It wasn't till my father left that we confessed our love for one another." He admitted making her bow her head.

"My apologizes, my king. I didn't mean to sound intrusive." She spoke softly seemingly innocent. "So how do the Freys come in if you are already spoken for?"

Robb didn't think about the nature of the questions thinking she might just be curious. Many of the people were curious about his relationship with Jaidyn. Not to mention, how he managed to strike a deal with Walder Frey who was known for being bitter about such matters.

"I had to give my unborn child's hand in marriage." Robb said the guilt weighing heavily on him. He didn't like the idea of arranging marriages but it what he needed to to. He could only hope that his child didn't resent him for it.

"Your child for a bridge?" The nurse wondered outloud.

"An important bridge. It was before they killed my father. I still thought I could march South and rescue him in time, but only if I crossed that bridge." Robb explained the predicament that they were facing but left out the part the other option given to them.

"How did your lady wife take it? I can't imagine she was pleased." Talisa pressed. She was still coming accustom to Westeros customs, but the thought of arranging marriages for alliances was not what she imagined.

"I haven't told her." Robb admitted still worried about what Jaidyn might do when she found out. "We got lucky not being spoken for. I think we both had the idea that we'd allow our child to make their own decision. It's what my parent allowed for us to do."

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