A New Era

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(For this chapter, pretend that Jaidyn does not have the face paint in the gif

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(For this chapter, pretend that Jaidyn does not have the face paint in the gif.)

Jaidyn Mormont and the Commander of the Mountain stood side beside in front of the elders as they awaited for their chance to fight. Everyone gathered around to watch the victor claim the commander seat.

She had never been this nervous before. Even on her wedding day she knew what was to come but now she had to rely on all of her strengths. She knew her tactics and she also relied on her small frame to move quickly when it came to fighting men.

This single combat was what she was trained for and now was her chance to prove her worth. She had to prove for her namesake. Mormonts were known for their fighting and she was a direct line to the Mormont name, she couldn't disgrace them.

"We gather here today because a challenger has stepped forward for the seat of commander." One of the elders proclaimed to the group gathered round. "As in tradition, this challenge is not complete unless with the support of a warrior. Collen of the Mountain has put forth that support."

The crowd eager to hear the introduction of the fighters. Not to mention, to see who will prevail. Many will be cheers their own commander on put some have seen how Jaidyn could wield her weapon.

"May I present our commander, defending the seat which he sits, Evin the Great." The crowd cheers loudly as he steps forward and spins around with his blade held high.

The crowd quiets down as the elder continues. "And the Challenger, Jaidyn Mormont-Stark, the Queen of the North."

She merely takes a step forward for a moment before taking a step back. Most of the crowd erupts in boos and she was the one to challenge their ways. An outsider who might possibly run among them.

"This challenge is to be fair. You have your weapons of choice. Victory in the challenge only achieved by yield or death." His words loud as they carried over the crowd of people. "Now to your corners."

The two fighters looked to each other before giving a short nod and walking to opposite ends of the open area meant for them. In her corner, Collen stood tall and had Aden by his side. And with her son standing there she knew what she was fighting for.

"Begin!" The elder yelled out causing the crowd to erupt in cheers.

With her back still turned as she looked to her child, Evin ran up trying to take an advantage. But she was able to hear his steps and quickly sidestepped him. Her sword knocking his downward.

The two circled each other as they made their way around the ring. This time Jaidyn was the next to deliver the next series of blows. But Evin was able to block them and move his footing before her sword could meet it's target.

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