Respect Is Taken

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Since Jaidyn had given birth, Robb had decided to keep camp where it stood until Jaidyn was able to travel

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Since Jaidyn had given birth, Robb had decided to keep camp where it stood until Jaidyn was able to travel. This set up caused many uncertainty around camp. Staying in one spot would only allow the Lannisters to have a more precise attack. But they were not only defending the king now but the queen and the prince.

The debacle had been brought to Jaidyn's attention when she had decided to join the war tent. As soon as she entered, she noticed that many didn't seem too pleased with her presence among them. But she didn't back down, especially when her aunt was in the same room.

"We need the move the camp before Tywin gets the idea that we're vulnerable." One of the Lords spoke up with distaste in his voice.

"And where would you have us move? The closer we get to the capital, the more danger is present. We can't march back after all that we have done." Maege defended her family's well-being. "We should ensure the future of the North before we make our next move."

An argument broke out allowing all the Lords to add in their points. Jaidyn let out a sigh as she thought it might've been better to have discussed their with Robb beforehand. She wanted to be seen with the same amount of respect from them.

"Enough! Whatever our next move is is critical. We need to-" Jaidyn tried to state a form of action only for her to be cut off.

"With all due respect, your grace, but this tent is filled those who have seen the casualty of war while you were safe and sound behind your high walls. Until you can face what we have, we will not respect what you have to say." A Lord stated before exiting the tent. Many of them agreed with their felloe Lord and exited after him.

Maege looked at her niece once more before leaving the couple to themselves. This was what she feared. They were Mormonts of Bear Island, they were known for their fierce strength and Jaidyn had already been labeled as a silent queen.

Jaidyn sat there in silence wondering what had just happened. She thought that maybe with her title and her husband by her side, she might've been respected. But that's not what they respected. She doubted that her protecting a small village would grant her that respect.

"Jai." Robb went to speak with her knowing how hard she had trained to be a warrior.

"Don't. All right, just don't." She expressed. "I've trained my whole life to be a respected warrior, but now I can't even get that because I became a queen first."

"You don't need to prove yourself to them. They are the Lords of the North, they answer to us." Robb tried to comfort but it didn't do much for her state.

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