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Jaidyn didn't know what to expect when she had her first official fight

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Jaidyn didn't know what to expect when she had her first official fight. When she had practiced and trained, she always thought the sense of pride would overcome her. But now that it happened, she didn't feel anything beside the blood that had once clung to her skin.

After the Lannister attack, Robb and the Lords deemed for the army to march forward. They needed to find a new place to set up camp. A new place to strategize their next action. But all Jaidyn could think about was the safety of her child.

With Aden being a newborn and the uncertainty of attacks, the family was looking into a place where he might stay. Catelyn had suggested the homelands of Riverrun, Maege offered the Mormont land and even the Lords offered their own homes. But it didn't feel right to Jaidyn, as much as she wanted to prove her worth, she didn't want to miss the life of her child.

This left her with two options. Send him away and continue her path to recognition or go with him and become another lady not welcome in warfare.

She longed to talk with someone about this decision that would understand. Catelyn would merely address the lady standpoint while Maege would want her to prove herself. Robb was too focused on bringing down the Lannister empire and Stryder was already a respected fighter. It was those small moments that she found herself alone that she wished Jon was there. The two were similar in wanting to make something of themselves despite the odds stacked against them. She wanted a counterpart to talk to.

In fact, this made her wonder about a particular person that was seen well around camp. The nurse that had assisted Jaidyn during her child birth seemed relatively close to her age and she thought maybe she might be the confidant she was looking for. At least until she noticed the glances the nurse spared her husband.

Normally, the act wouldn't have phased her. Growing up, many of the girls in Winterfell had often tried to court the young lord, but now it seemed different. It wasn't till one night that Jaidyn had ran into her outside their tent. Robb was spending time with Aden while she had gone out to check on the boys that had followed her.

"Can I help you?" Jaidyn asked the girl who was talking to one of the guards outside the tent.

The nurse seemed surprised to see the Queen standing in front of her. She also seemed hesitant to talk with the warrior after their last encounter.

"Forgive me, your grace, but I was hoping to have a word with the King about supplies." She explained quickly but that wasn't the reason for her visit. She wanted to have a word with the King about their intimate moments they had shared.

"And what supplies are needed?" The queen questioned figuring she might be able to help. "Do you have a list?"

But the nurse let out a breath while fiddling with her fingers. She had not expected to be ambushed by the queen. "No, your grace, I don't have one."

Jaidyn didn't expect this response from a nurse. She had seen Maester Luwin ask the Starks for supplies and always had a list ready. She couldn't recall any medical person not having a list of what supplies were needed.

"When you make one, give it to me. I'll handle the medical supplies from now on. The King had far too much to deal with." Jaidyn stated making the nurse nod and glance at the tent once more before she left.

The queen watching as she walked away. A feeling settled in the pit of her stomach as she wondering why she was actually outside their tent. The once feeling of befriending her now dwindling as the seconds passed. Based on the nurse's current actions, she thought it might be best to keep her eye on the other brunette that roamed the camp.

She wasn't the only one keeping their eyes on the camp around them. Stryder had been wondering about the Lannisters. Firstly, they were informed of the marriage between the Starks and Mormonts. Secondly, Tywin had send men to capture Jaidyn. Now, they had the means of staging an attack close to camp without anyone noticing.

No matter how he turned in over in his mind, he came up with the same explanation. Someone had fed Tywin Lannister information. Someone was willing to give up the queen despite the consequences.

The conclusion he had drawn up had but the ranger on edge. He had pledged his alligance to the queen and if he couldn't protect her from her enemies then he had failed. With that thought in mind, he began to evaluate who had turned against the North.

His first thought being that the Ironborn had been he one seeing how they had attacked the Stark homelands. Not to mention the boy had been demanding the finding of Jaidyn when they first attacked. But when Jaidyn had talked about how Theon had grown up with them, he doubted that he would side with the Lannisters. Therefore, he was only attacking to please his father.

The next thought was the Twins. If Walder Frey had used the Stark/Mormont alliance to his advantage, then what's to say that he wouldn't go to the Lannisters for a deal. But when the messenger showed up, it meant that he was still trying to play a part in the North. The Freys have been power hungry since the kingdoms emerged into one. Their actions would need to be watched.

With two groups eliminated, the ranger was trying to find any explanation. But could only come up with one conclusion. It was one of the lords in camp.

The lords were the only ones who knew every exact movement. Any one of them could easily be corrupted by the Lannister gold that was always promised, especially when their own houses had needs. And with that idea in mind, Stryder could only come up with one name.

Roose Bolton. His men lined the edge of camp where the Lannister men had tried to breach. He had been the one to speak out against Jaidyn during the first meeting she attended. Now to mention, he had heard that Robb was not to accepting of his idea to flay the Lannister prisoners.

If his suspicions were confirmed and if one of the loyal houses could be turned, then the titles did not matter. The King, queen and the prince could be turned over at any time. He couldn't allow Jaidyn to stay with people who wouldn't ensure her protection.

"It's all a lie." Jorah stated glancing around the room they were in. They had found out that the city they were in was putting up a facade for the outside world.

Daenerys had fought to believe that they could help her conquer Westeros. They led everyone to believe they were wealthy. Only when they opened the vault that held all the riches there was nothing. In order to get back to her throne, she needed to find a way to establish herself in this world.

"Looks real enough to me." The Khalessi stated being to form an idea. "Real enough to buy a ship?"

Jorah picked up on the hint. "Aye, a small ship. Take all the gold and jewels."

He picked a couple small items that might hold some value. His mind drifting off to his daughter and how long it might be till he saw her again. But he no longer had a choice than to stand beside the Khalessi. He would get back to his daughter, no matter the cost.

Luckily for him, he had gotten another letter out before he had to return back to Daenerys. He could only hope that his letter reached his messenger in time. But what he didn't know was that the circumstances had all changed.

This was no longer a fight between the North and South. It was a fight for control in Westeros.

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