Chapter 1

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     I've lost everything. I'm no longer the heiress of the Schnee Dust Company and my freedom will slowly be out of my reach. All I wanted was to have control of my life and fight for what is right, just like my grandfather did. Despite all this, I got nothing to lose. It's time that I do things my way. My family name will no longer stop me from achieving my goals.

     And that's how I ended up leaving Atlas on this cargo ship. I appreciate Klein for helping me escape, even though I feel bad. I've also overheard that Winter might be in Mistral, thanks to General Ironwood, but I decided to travel to Menagerie instead. For all I know, Winter might have left Mistral already. Now, why would I go to Menagerie out of all places? Well, I wanted to know more about the White Fang and their motives. Their involvement in the Fall of Beacon made me question it. Not to mention, the Schnee Dust Company always had incidents with the White Fang when I was young. Out of boredom, I head to the pilot room to check what's going on.

Weiss: Hey there. What's the status here?

Pilot: Well, just some difficulty. The Grimm have been rampant lately. They kept attacking other ships around.

Weiss: Isn't there a detour around?

Pilot: There would be, but Menagerie has worse Grimm attacks. We will need to be careful.

Weiss: Should I help? What if this ship gets hit?

Pilot: Don't worry I don't think it will happen.

     Something massive hit the cargo ship. The pilot isn't wrong with the Grimm attacks. I sigh as I head to the cargo area with my Myrtenaster.

Pilot: Where do you think you're going?

Weiss: We need to kill the Grimm if we want to make it out alive.

     I will need lots of dust and aura to hold them off. Out of team RWBY, I have the most limited aura here. Our survival will depend on my skills as a huntress. The last thing I want is to lose, I had enough of it! I balanced my posture with my glyphs as I wait for the signal.

Pilot: They're coming closer!

Weiss: I'm ready! Lower down the doors.

     As the doors of the cargo ship opened, I notice a group of flying Grimm named Lancers attacking the sides of the ship. I quickly count the number of Lancers present and summon my time dilation glyphs. With five more glyphs, I increase the speed of the fireballs and ice crystals, hitting them half of the Grimm in one shot.

Pilot: Hold on tight, kid!

       The cargo ship flies downward, and the Lancers soon follow. Though, some Lancers hit on the floating lands. Seeking the opportunity, the ship travels farther away from the scene. I disabled my glyphs to check if there's still more Grimm.

Weiss: Seems like that's all of them...

     And then I jinxed it. A Queen Lancer suddenly slams on the right side of the ship. It also attempted to go inside the ship, but I repelled the Lance with a barrier.

Pilot: We're not safe yet! Hold on to something!

     The pilot drives the ship upward and farther away. Even then, Queen Lancer persists on bringing this ship down. With full concentration, I summoned a giant knight to fight Queen Lancer. With multiple slashes, the knight slayed the Queen Lancer with a huge sword slash and it disappears. And when I thought things were over, the ship starts crashing down.

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