Chapter 6

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     So far, I've been staying with Blake's family for more than a week. I haven't stepped out of their house yet due to what controversy Ilia made. To make up with the lack of activity, I've been practicing my combat abilities and semblances in their training room. Blake and Sun head out once again to look for people to join the battle on Haven Academy, while Ghira and Kali try to monitor White Fang activity in Menagerie. As for Sienna, she's just masquerading within Ilia's side to get their side of information (which is surprising how she's not caught yet). To start my training, I summon a pack of Beowolves using my semblance, just like how Winter did before.

Weiss: Here goes nothing!

     I speed up my movements using my boost glyphs as I activate my gravity dust on Myrtenaster. I take advantage of the gravity dust to levitate the Grimm. I use my glyphs to support my feet and slash them in midair. I got rid of the remaining Beowolves by using my left hand to summon glyphs below them and have lightning dust connect from my Mysternaster to the Beowolves. They slowly disappear after getting shocked by lightning from below. My current training just comprises remembering dust combinations for each fight. What Sienna told me two days ago urged me to prepare.

Flashback Begin

Sienna and I were done battling in the training room. She hands over my Mysternaster and sets down a foldable chair for me. I get up and sat tiredly on my seat. Sienna also sits down on her foldable chair like her throne.

Sienna: Well, here's something that I'll tell you first. It's something to do with killing Blake's family and you.

Weiss: Go on.

Sienna: I was eavesdropping at their headquarters when I heard the plan. Ilia was talking to Corsac and Fennec about distracting both of you. One will kidnap Blake and the rest would murder you and Blake's parents.

Weiss: So when will this happen exactly?

Sienna: Two days from now. There could be a good way to outsmart their plans.

Weiss: I may have a better plan for it, want to hear?

Sienna: I'd like to hear it, little Schnee. Let's talk~.

Flashback End.

And that's how I'm training here. The whole scheme will begin tonight, so I'll stay sharp. Eventually, it's already nightfall. All of us ate dinner quietly, except Sienna. Blake and Sun were about to head out again to patrol. Blake notices a note on the balcony's railings. It said that Ilia wants to meet up with her.

Sun: Are we going to head out?

Blake: In a while, I'll check on something.

Sun: Right.

Blake and Sun head out as Corsac and Fennec spy from the bushes. Both of them smirked as they commanded their troops to infiltrate the mansion. When Blake reaches the rendezvous area, Ilia stands around and notices Blake. Blake jumps off the roof and calmly walks over to Ilia.

Blake: Ilia, I know you're scared, but you don't have to be. My family and I can keep you safe.

Ilia has her hands up and looks at her regretfully.

Ilia: I'm sorry.

Blake: You can make it up by helping me stop Corsac and Fennec.

Ilia: No. I'm sorry...

     The moment Ilia starts the signal with her right hand, one of Ilia's men jumps down to trap Blake. The moment he landed at Blake, she disappears in thin air. Ilia and her men sharpen their senses around the area. Suddenly, Sun appears and duplicates himself with his semblance. Blake jumps roof to roof, shooting Ilia with ice dust on her feet. Ilia is incapable of moving while the remaining three get swooped by Sun and Blake.

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