Chapter 5

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     The time has come to shed light on Adam's diabolic schemes. The entrance of the Belladonna household is swarming with reporters and media personnel. Within the entrance hall, Ghira keeps his composure in check and reviews the speech that he had written on a piece of paper. Blake Kali, Sun, and I wait for him to get ready. Despite Ghira being a previous High Leader of the White Fang and a chieftain of Menagerie, talking in front of a crowd is still one of his fears.

Kali: You can do it, Dear!

Ghira: I'm trying to, but it's pressuring me.

Sun taps Ghira's shoulder to cheer him up.

Sun: You got this, Ghira! You will nail it good!

     Ghira heads out of the entrance door, facing the group of the press and reporters as he starts his speech. Weiss silently watches from the closed balcony which leads to Ghira's study, while Sienna guards in disguise. Ghira's speech span from the awareness of Adam Taurus' plans to blow up the CCT, destroy Haven Academy and throw a revolution towards the humans who had been tormenting the Faunus as a whole. The whole crowd of Faunus and the press have mixed reactions about the findings that Ghira explained. Ghira even mentioned the splinter group, who seemed to infiltrate as members of the White Fang to cause a stir. He concluded his speech and motivated the fellow Faunus of Menagerie to fight and help stop Adam Taurus from his destructive plans.

     After that whole speech, Ghira let Blake share her experience on how much damage Adam Taurus has committed at the Fall of Beacon. The moment Blake talks in front of the crowd, lightning shots hit her from afar and she luckily activates her aura. Blake kept her balance in check. Kali and Sun goes over to Blake to check if she's hurt. Out of the blue, Ilia swings into the scene.

Ghira: Ilia! What is the meaning of this?!

Ilia: Drop the act already! Why are you helping the humans who tormented our own kind?!

Ghira: The White Fang was never about the violence and revenge against humans! This shouldn't be an excuse to harm both innocent humans and Faunus!

Ilia: Save your breath, Ghira! Innocent, you say?! You're hiding a human in your house! And it had to be a Schnee of all people!

     The crowd grew silent the moment they heard the name "Schnee". The Faunus citizens have mixed reactions with what Ilia just said.

Ilia: The Schnee's were one of the worst humans who branded our Faunus brothers and sisters like slaves! To think the Belladonnas had the audacity to protect that human!

Sun: Shut up!

     Sun tries to pursue Ilia with his weapon, but she quickly leaves the scene. The crowd of Faunus grew displeased at Ghira and Blake. The press was shocked with the revelation that they learned; it may cause a controversy. Sienna and I just watch with anxiety due to what Ilia revealed. My presence in Menagerie just caused more trouble on Blake and her family... All I wanted was to learn more of the truth and try to restore the Schnee Dust Company to its former glory, in the sense of ethical business practices and morale to both human and Faunus. Sienna just angrily enters the balcony.

Sienna: How could she do this...

Weiss: If only I didn't come here... I'm just endangering everybody...

     Sienna witnesses Weiss pitying her actions. Sienna approaches her as she removes her black face mask and places her shoulder on Weiss. She looks at her eye-to-eye, gleaming with her golden eyes.

Sienna: Weiss, feeling sorry for yourself and regretting your actions won't get you nowhere!

Weiss: But this situation doesn't feel right at all...

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