Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

     The Schnee Mansion slowly burns in crimson flames. I desperately fight the White Fang members that wanted to take my life away. They keep coming my way as I summon my boost glyph, running as fast as I could. As I run, my surroundings slowly turn distorted and destroyed. The artistic sculptures and artifacts were in pieces. The paintings were torn and burned into ashes. When I stopped to check for any White Fang members behind me, my attention turns to the Schnee Family portrait. My family portrait was splattered with blood and shredded as it burns into ashes. In panic, I kept running and running, desperately keeping my sanity together.

Weiss: Why is this happening...? I never wanted this!

       Every single person who lived in this mansion is now lifeless. With the tears falling from my eyes, I'm surrounded by the White Fang members. And of all situations, Adam Taurus showed up before me and impale his sword in my stomach. From my very eyes, he was about to remove his Grimm mask when I suddenly woke up from my dream. I was shivering and sweating in fear. I notice someone come in my room. Blake carries a mug of hot coffee on a tray when she looks at me. Blake widened her eyes due to my distressed eyes and rapid breathing. She carefully places the freshly brewed mug of coffee on the table and hurriedly runs to me.

Blake: Weiss?! Are you okay?! What happened...?

Weiss: I just had a bad dream... Everything was burning, and he tried to kill me...

Blake: Who tried to kill you...?

Weiss: I can't exactly recall who it was...

     I can't tell Blake that it was Adam. I'm sure if I mention that name to Blake, it'll destroy her mood. Blake sighed as she brought the mug of coffee to Weiss.

Weiss: You had coffee around? And it's black too!

Blake: Well, you're not exactly a tea person. Thought this may cheer you up from what happened last night.

Weiss: Thanks, Blake! I appreciate it.

     Blake sits across on the bed as she gazes at Weiss. I slowly took sips from the coffee, which made me smile. It's been awhile since I had coffee. A lot of things happened for the past few days. As I sip more of the coffee, Blake suddenly apologizes to me.

Blake: I owe you an apology, Weiss.

Weiss: What for? For running away?

Blake: Yes. And also, I-I couldn't fight Ilia head-on... And I made you risk your life back then...

Weiss: It's not a big deal, Blake. As for Ilia, was she with you in the White Fang?

Blake: We were fighting for the same goal, but s-she did more radical methods with Adam... Since then, I couldn't reach her anymore.

Weiss: I wonder if there is a way to get Ilia off Adam's side...

     Sun suddenly slides the door open, scaring Blake and Weiss for a bit. Typically, Sun greets them with a smile, oblivious to what he interrupted early in the morning.

Sun: Hey, you two! Let's have breakfast already!

Blake: Sun?! We were having a moment here!

He just blinks as he hides behind the door and looks back at them. Both Blake and I stare at Sun with a displeased face.

Sun: Yeah... Don't slap me now, Blake!

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