Chapter 7

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Yesterday has passed. I'm sitting in the meeting room with the Belladonna family and the White Fang members of Menagerie. Ghira, Kali and Blake planned the operations to protect Haven Academy from Adam's schemes. Sun yawns a bit when Ghira notices him.

Ghira: Hey, boy! No sleeping in my presence!

Sun: Pops! I was just yawning. My bad.

Kali: Ghira, chill out please.

Ghira: Fine. Since we're able to get volunteers for Haven Academy, we'll be managing their weaponry, rations, and dust ammunition.

Ghira looks at Sun before continuing his explanation.

Ghira: Sun, I'll have you assist with the White Fang to transport the volunteers safely. Mistral isn't exactly welcome with our kind, so a gradual voyage should fit this occasion.

Sun: Are you only doing this because you don't want me near Blake?

Ghira: That's not even my-

Sun: I'm kidding! Pops! I know my ins and outs in Mistral, so you can trust me.

Ghira sighs as he continues.

Ghira: As for Kali and I, we'll be handling weaponry and armory supplies. As for Blake, you'll supervise the volunteers, whether if they stay the same or gradually increase.

Blake: What about Sienna?

Ghira: She's still busy doing stealth mode in the splinter group's headquarters for other schemes, but she may help you supervise when she's done.

Blake: Okay, Dad.

Ghira finally gazes at my direction and I wait for what he will assign to me.

Ghira: Weiss, you'll be handling dust stock and ammunition, which may be an advantage to you because of your background.

Weiss: I'll gladly accept it.

Eventually, the meeting is over. All of us go to our respective jobs, except Sun. Sun's job takes place two days later, since we need to provide weaponry, armory, and dust supplies for the first batch of Faunus volunteers to voyage to Mistral. Sun will assist Ghira and Kali for the meantime. Since I'm in charge of dust ammunition, I asked Ghira on where to get the dust stocks and head out with my Myternaster, till I stop in front of the entrance. So I'm finally able to step outside, huh? This seemed all too familiar with my life in Atlas, but I'm no longer there. I open the entrance door and take a few steps to walk out of it. The air is fresh, and the flora is lush. I happily head out of Belladonna household as I walk to the town. In contrast with Vale and Atlas, Menagerie seems more tropical, which is a nice change. I'm not exactly accustomed to the cold. As I walk in town, I see the Faunus citizens staring at me with mixed feelings. I pay no heed to them as I found the dust supplier that Ghira mentioned to me. He appears to be an armadillo Faunus with tan skin, light brown hair and amber eyes. He quickly greets me with a smile the moment he saw me.

???: You must be Weiss Schnee! I've been expecting you. The name's Armando.

Weiss: Nice to meet you, Mr. Armando. I'm here to pick up the dust stock from you.

Armando gives me a stiff smile as he glances over to the boxes filled with dust ammunition.

Armando: Are you sure you can handle all of that, miss? It's not just one box.

Weiss: I think I can handle them all.

Fixing my stance, I summon 4 human-sized white knights. One by one, they carry 3-4 boxes of dust ammunition each. I also attempted to carry some boxes, but I'm not trained with physical strength, so it fails. I suddenly feel the box becoming lighter, only to notice Armando holding the other side.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 29, 2019 ⏰

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