Chapter 3

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Back in the Belladonna household, Ghira paces in anxiousness, while Kali sits down in silence. Both of them are still in the study room, waiting for the return of their lovely daughter and friends. It's normal for parents to ask like this. They got Blake involved with matters that may cost her life. Ghira stops pacing and comforts Kali, who is just as worried.

Kali: I'm just worried about them, dear.

Ghira: You're not the only one. I'm sure they'll come back.

Eventually, Blake and Sun returned to the Belladonna household through the balcony. Sun was carrying Weiss, while Blake was holding her Myrtenaster and Ilia's scroll. The moment Kali hears some noise on the balcony, she runs over to check who it was. Ghira soon follows her out of safety.

Kali: Blake! I'm glad you're okay!

Kali tightly hugs her daughter, while Sun still carries unconscious Weiss in his arms. Ghira sighs in relief but notices Sun with Weiss in his arms.

Sun: We got back thanks to her. She fought Ilia head-on.

Ghira: You didn't help? It's not manly if you let the girls do everything!

Sun: Don't give me that reply, Pops! I ran out of aura and Ilia almost stabbed me in the chest!

Ghira pats Sun on his shoulder with relief.

Ghira: I'm still glad you got back. But first, let's get Weiss to safety.

Sun: Right. I would like it if she doesn't knock herself out in a fight...

Kali and Ghira led Sun to the bedroom where Weiss was previously sleeping on. He gently lays her on the wooden bed. Ghira just watches from the door as Kali sits down on the grayish cushions in front of the bed.

Kali: I'll watch her for the night.

Ghira: Are you sure, dear?

Kali: Yes, besides I think Blake and Sun got something to give you. Am I right, Sun?

Sun just gives Kali a thumbs up of approve. Ghira just facepalms out of disappointment while Kali just smiles at him.

Sun: Yeah! We got her scroll. It might help us more on what they're planning.

Ghira: Then let's head to my study. We might wake up Weiss if we remain here.

Ghira and Sun silently exit the bedroom, leaving Kali and Weiss behind. Blake sits in silence when Ghira and Sun arrive in the study. They noticed Blake spacing out with her eyes on the floor. Ghira sits close to Blake, while Sun slouches himself on the single-seat sofa. Out of worry, Ghira carefully places his hand on Blake's shoulder, snapping her out.

Blake: Dad? Since when did you come in here?

Ghira: Sun and I just got here.

Sun: Yeah, but you were spacing out when we did.

Blake tries to calm her senses as she brings out Ilia's scroll from her white coat. She hands the scroll to Ghira. Ghira just inspects it in a neutral expression.

Blake: We got Ilia's scroll when we encountered her. We may use it to expose Adam's plots this way.

Ghira: Didn't I tell you to not get involved, right?

Blake: But Dad, I-

Ghira: And yet you suddenly chased after her without a second thought!

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