Chapter 6

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Its been about two weeks since I moved to Lucky Tree and all I've really done so far is talk to Kai most nights and go to the diner nearby during the days to get food, my mom has gotten a job at the small diner on the edge of the town. Today, I don't want to even get out of bed. I lay for a while, looking at the ceiling. Eventually, I picked up my phone and decided to check Instagram, ignoring my DMs. Liked a few memes and eventually decided to text Vivian. She asks if I've made any friends other than Kai and talks about how she wishes Nate would leave her alone. I tell her I haven't made any other friends and that Nate is always annoying. I suggest that she comes to Lucky Tree to hang out with me and Kai sometime this summer. She tells me that she'll ask to stay with me for a week sometime in a few weeks since she's grounded for a while, which is weird because Vivian isn't bad or anything, she's quiet, and sweet, she wouldn't hurt a fly. So I ask her what happened, but all she tells me is that she got mad. Weird. With that, I put my phone down and get up, I don't bother to change.
When I go outside I see the pigtails girl from a few days ago handing out flyers, she stops me on my way to the diner.
"Hey! New kid!" She shouts happily as she walks towards me. "You should come to our party tomorrow night, it's at that house over there." She says, pointing to a house nearby.
"Okay, I'll see if I can go. I'll probably be busy though." I lie.
"What are you so busy with all the time?" She asks, "you never leave your house except for when you go eat at the diner." She continues.
"Chores." I lie again.
"Ugh, whatever, just try to come be less boring." She says, handing me the flyer. I take it and walk away, I read it as I eat in the diner.
Summer party! Come one come all!
Don't miss the coolest party of the year!
The address is listed at the bottom of the page. I start to wonder if I should go, it would be a way to meet people in the town and if I didn't like it I could always sneak out. I shove the pamphlet into my pocket and pay for my meal before walking home.
When I get there I go back to laying on my bed, I let my thoughts wander as I wait for nightfall. My thoughts drift hopping from one train to another like it's parkour. Eventually I end up thinking about the city, school, Vivian, and all the people who made fun of me, and... Nate. I start to wonder why Nate was always so obsessed with me. I quickly dismissed this thought and try to distract myself with memes instead until I finally drift off to sleep.

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