Chapter 19

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The officer takes the man in hunting gear to his office and takes his statement. Apparently he was hunting in the woods to get some food before fall, when he came across Nate who went crazy and they ended up fighting, he won of course and he brought him straight here. The officer warned him that he shouldn't hunt in that part of the woods, but thanked him for bringing Nate in. Once I had calmed down enough he took me to his office for my statement too and I told him what happened, skillfully dodging bringing up Kai at all.
When the other officer came back, he was covered in blood too. He told the first officer that he called an ambulance and managed to keep Vivian alive until they got there but that my mom and Hope were dead when he got there. They were both rolled in on rolling metal beds, covered with body bags.
The officers asked me if I had a place to stay for a while or if I wanted to stay here while they gather crime scene evidence and cleanup the mess. I told them I had someone to stay with and after giving me a fresh pair of clothes the cop who helped Vivian found in my house they let me leave.
They drop me off in town and once they're gone Kai comes up to me from in the bushes.
"Hey, are you okay?" He asks, I just hug him.
"I'm so sorry. I was so wrong, you were never the villain. I love you." I tell him, silent tears fall from my eyes.
"It's okay, you want to go back to the treehouse and talk about it?" He asks. As much as I wanted to, I couldn't.
"I should stay here for a while, if I go missing right after all of this, who knows what will happen." I tell him, he nods.
"Okay, whenever you're ready I'll be there in the treehouse, waiting for you. I promise I'll explain everything." He tells me. I kiss him and then he disappears back into the woods.
Once he's gone I knock on Jen's door. She opens it with a tired look on her face.
"Hey bro, what are you..... oh shit, what happened to you?" She asks, her tired look quickly turning into concern as she sees the look on my face, there might be some blood there too.
"C-can I stay h-here for a while?" I ask, my voice is quiet and shaky from all the crying I've been doing in the past hours. She let's me in and calls Amy over too. I tell them about my mom and Hope and Vivian and what Nate did to them. They comfort me and we get the blood off my face and out of my hair. I try to sleep and just end up having nightmares for the rest of the night. I wish I would wake up in my own house, with my mom and Vivian there to tell me it was all just a bad dream, but I know I'll never see my mom again.

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