Chapter 15

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It's a dark, cloudy night. The clouds from when it rained three days ago still linger, threatening to rain again. I sit with Kai in his treehouse, wondering what to talk about now that I'm here. Suddenly, Kai speaks.
"Do you know how beautiful you are?" He asks.
"Beautiful?" I ask back, genuinely confused at the question. How the hell is a tiny, ginger kid, with dumb freckles and orange hair, and everything else about me, how on earth is that beautiful?
"Yeah, sorry if I come off a bit strong but, I really like you, you're really cool. You know, I might for the first time be feeling, um, what is it called, love?" I can't believe what I'm hearing, he likes me back! I sit there for a minute taking it all in.
"I-i'm sorry!" He quickly says, turning away from me, I grab his arm.
"Don't be." I turn him around. "I love you too." I tell him. I can't believe I'm doing this. I put my hands on his cheeks and kiss him, he kisses back. When we pull away again he looks at me with, what emotion is that? Loneliness? Sadness? Worry?
"What's wrong?" I ask him, he goes back to smiling his usual smile.
"Nothing." He says. "Nothing at all." He kisses me again and I decide not to question it any further. At the end of the night, he walks me home as usual.
When I wake up the next day I text Vivian all about it. We talk for a while before I go hangout with my friends again, the sun finally came back. Vivian and I talk everyday about our boyfriends and some other random shit and she reminds me at the end of the week that we're a week closer to her visit. Damn, summer really is going by faster now that I have people to spend it with. I remember back in the city, when I avoided everyone and was basically locking myself up in my room the whole time, Vivian was the only person I answered the door for and we would hangout sometimes, but mostly I just complained to her. She's always been a good friend though. Now I have plenty of friends and no enemies that I'm trying to avoid, I go outside, I hang out with people, I have Kai now, everything is great! Even on days when I have nothing to do, I can go talk to Hope. There's never a dull day anymore. For once in my life, I think things might finally be perfect. For once I'm not in a constant mood of anger and annoyance, I'm not fighting the world anymore. Lucky Tree, despite its faults, has changed my life completely.
I'm so happy that I get to spend the rest of my life here.

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