Chapter 7

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I wake up in the afternoon, I didn't get to see Kai last night but I know I can't go out every night, I have to sleep more than a couple hours some nights.
I get up and make myself some cereal, and look at memes until the day has gone by and the sun starts setting. I take the paper out of my pocket where I had stuffed it yesterday and read it again. Then I go to my room and but on a MCR hoodie and jeans that I haven't been wearing for the past three days. I leave the pamphlet on the counter for my mom so she doesn't worry but I tear off the address to take with me. When I get to the house it's lit up like it's Christmas and I can hear the music blaring before I even get very close to it.
I knock on the door and the girl who was with Ms.pigtails the first time I saw her opens it for me.
"Heya new kid! Glad you could make it! I'm Jen, what's your name?" She asks, with a big smile on her face.
"Pheonix." I reply.
"Hey everybody, Pheonix the new kid is here!" She shouts, I regret giving her my real name.
When I walk in there's a bunch of people from teens to irresponsible adults inside, drinking, smoking, dancing, talking, the usual party shit. I go to the snack table and hang out there for a while, people keep coming up to me introducing themselves and asking me questions and shit, to which I give them vague answers at best. I learn that pigtails real name is Amy. Declan and Dakota are here too, high as kites. Some other people I've met so far are Ralph, a 20 year old trying to be cooler than he is, Brandon, a dumb guy hitting on every girl here, Caroline, a girl who's trying way too hard to flirt with me while completely drunk, Riley, a realist who can tell also doesn't want to be here, Lilly, a bitch I hope leaves me alone for the rest of the night, and Luke, a guy who's trying way to hard to get me to leave my spot at the wall by the snacks. At some point in the night I'm finally persuaded into try some beer, it doesn't taste great but it makes me start to feel better so I keep going... and going... and going. I don't remember everything that happened, I remember some dancing, I remember someone trying to kiss me and pulling away, I remember being in a closet with Caroline and telling her to get the hell away from me after getting a bit to handsy, and I remember calling for Kai in the woods. I wake up in the treehouse with Kai by my side with a bucket which I throw up into until I think I might have barfed up my entire digestive system.
"What the fuck happened?" I ask, wipping my mouth on my sleeve.
"Well, you called out to me in the woods and I came. Apparently you went to some party and got shitfaced, you seemed really upset about something but it was hard to make out most of what you said. Something about a girl and a closet, you said "too much" a lot too. I calmed you down and brought you here to sleep it off." He tells me. I start to wonder what exactly that girl and I did last night.
"Thanks for helping me." I say.
"That's what friends do." He replies. I hug him and he smiles as he hugs me back.
"You can always count on me, alright Phe?" He tells me, I can't help but smile at his nickname for me.
"Okay." I respond, and with that, he takes me home.

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