Chapter 16

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I'm in the car, on the hour-long drive to pick up Nate and Vivian again. For the first time in forever, I think I might actually be happy to see Nate. That's an odd thing for me to say but I'm probably happy to see him because he makes my best friend Vivian so happy, not to mention I've been in a better mood overall since Kai and I started dating.
We pull up to the airport and Vivian and Nate are already outside waiting for us this time. Then get in the car and we start our drive back, talking about this and that until we get back to the house. They put their stuff inside and we start to walk to the diner to get some lunch. On our way back to the house I see Hope sitting in her rocking chair on the porch again. I wave and shout hello, but she just looks at us for a few seconds, before pointing to the road going the opposite way from the airport. I think that's weird, but maybe she just didn't take some meds she's supposed to be on today or something, she is a crazy old lady after all. We go to Jen's house and she calls over some friends to play cards against humanity with us. We play until the deck of black cards is halfway gone and the sun starts to set. For some reason, once it gets dark out it's basically everyone's signal to go home for the night. I never understood this but I decided we should leave anyway to get some dinner. We eat and talk and I decide against going out to see Kai to talk and watch movies with Nate and Vivian instead. We go to bed around four and when we wake up, it's raining again. It rains for three more days after that, which we spend watching movies, telling jokes, and just having fun around the house. Just our luck we'd lose a little over half the week to rainy days. They came and played cards against humanity on Monday, it's already late Friday night by the time it stops raining. Now we've only got the weekend left to hang out in town, they have to go back to the city this Monday. But, I'm sort of glad we got to hang out together around the house for a while, it was almost like old times again. Well, okay, it wasn't really like old times. I didn't actually hate Nate anymore and him and Vivian were cuddling for basically the entire time I saw them, but you know what I mean. When I woke up I realized I haven't gone to see Kai the whole time it rained. Shit, whatever, I'll see him tonight. I get up, make breakfast, and open the door to the guest room to give some to Nate and Vivian. When I walk in they're laying in bed whispering to each other without shirts on.
"Whoa," I say, turning around. "Okay! Whenever you lovebirds are done with whatever you're doing, you can come get your breakfast in the kitchen!" I tell them, starting to walk away.
"We weren't doing anything!" Vivian shouts back at me when I'm already halfway down the hall.
"Sure you weren't." I mumble, mostly to myself. I push the image out of my mind and when they come out fully clothed again we eat breakfast. After breakfast, we go back to Jen's house to finish our game of cards against humanity. Of course, I win the game because I'm the most dirty-minded person of the bunch, but Declan was a close second place, Dakota flinched or "eww"d at him whenever he got a card. All in all, it was a good day, and we went home at sundown.

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