The city of love

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Dianne's POV
The flight was uneventful, we talked a bit, went on our phones a lot but it was only an hour long. Around fifteen minutes into the flight, I felt myself grow really heavy. "I'm going to crash, I'm absolutely shattered." I said, him nodding. I felt myself drop off almost instantly, leaning against the shoulder of Joseph Sugg.

Joe's POV
Dianne dropped off leaning on my shoulder, not that I minded. I was just sat editing a video, I still needed to upload that so I made sure to get this done as quickly as possible. Her hand was rested on the arm rest and I rested mine over hers, my thumb grazing over hers as I edited the video.

"Morning passengers, it's half nine am and we have just landed at Paris city centre, please collect your things from the overhead storage before heading into the airport. I hope you all have a great trip and on behalf of Ryanair, have a great day." the announcer said, it was time to wake Dianne up and get ourselves into the city. "Di, we've just landed." I said, her waking up more or less straight away. "Oh really, Jeez I was tired." she said which made me chuckle as I got up and grabbed our bags. "Come on Di, lets head to Paris." I said, us both leaving the plane.

"Here's a nice hotel, it's right in the centre." Dianne said as we stood outside the airport, deciding where we would spend the night. I leant over her shoulder, it looked pretty nice. "Looks nice, reviews?" "Hm, four stars?" "Perfect, I'll call a cab."

We got to the door, opening it and going inside, it was really nice, there was a balcony with an amazing view, a bathroom and a...double bed. She saw it and we both looked at each other. "So we are going to flip a coin, loser gets the bathtub." she said making us both go into a fit of laughter. "Well anyway, which side do you normally take?" I asked, Dianne too focused on the coffee machine that she had spotted that second. "Coffee machine!" she exclaimed, I shook my head at her child like curiosity, which did make me smile tons. "You like coffee?" I asked, her nodding eagerly. "Absolutely, I have one everyday." she said, I raised my eyebrows as she put her bag by mine. "Well maybe two or three, anyway, what were you saying?" she asked, looking back at me. "Which side do you take?" I asked which made me ponder that myself, I hadn't really had to decide on a side of the bed before, single people just lay in the middle and flip their limbs on any part of the bed, having the luxury of space but the loss of contact at night, it was something I had gotten used to, but it still bugged me how on Earth I hadn't had a relationship at this point, all my friends were finding girlfriends and becoming semi serious with them too, and at twenty four/ twenty five you'd think that I would have found someone by now. "Right side." "Right side it is then." I smirked, flopping myself onto the right side, her jaw dropping and chuckling. "Get off my side right now!" she laughed, me chuckling and rolling over onto the left side, faced down into the pillow. I felt her collapse onto the the other side. I lifted myself onto my elbows, facing her. "So it's ten am, what shall we do with our one day in Paris?" I asked, her thinking. "I've always wanted to go to the Eiffel tower, maybe we could get a tour leaflet, things to do?" she suggested, me nodding and collecting the hotel room key. "Well Madame moiselle, lets go." I say, her chuckling and us both heading out the hotel room.

"So first the cafe down the street, then the Eiffel Tower, followed by dinner at the hotel?" I suggested, reading over a leaflet. "Sounds perfect, I just hope the croissants are as good as they sound." she said, us beginning our walk. "So you have family in Australia? That must be cool, and hard at the same time." I say, her sighing and nodding. "Yeah, it is tough, being on the other side of the world, but I love them all so much, my parents are probably the two greatest people alive, no offence to your parents, I reckon they're pretty cool too." she explains, her hand brushing against mine, why did that make me feel such things? "They're pretty cool, I didn't exactly have it great but I loved growing up in the West Country." I said, making her choke on her drink. "West Country? I thought I had you down as a proper city boy." she exclaimed which made me chuckle heavily. "Nope, I grew up in Wiltshire, it was farm land and field and forest, I take it you grew up with sun, sea and sand?" I questioned, her nodding and her hand finding mine eventually, I felt like a teenager who had the biggest...just no. "Yeah, it was incredible. My school would take us to the beach every Friday lunchtime, it was literally on your doorstep." she said, my eyes wide. "That sounds amazing, every Tuesday afternoon we got to go to the farm and pet the horses, it was fun but it certainly wasn't the beach." I said, her smiling up at me. "I bet it was fun though, did you ever ride one?" she asked, me shaking my head. "No, maybe I will one day. You?" "Yeah, I took lessons for a year or two but once I fell off I didn't go back, I was out of dance for a fortnight and I loved dance too much." she said, me nodding. "You danced?" "Yeah, I've done a few tours like burn the floor, I was on dancing with the stars for a few years." I was shocked, she was obviously great at what she did. "Oh wow, what's dancing with the stars?" She chuckled. "It's like strictly but everywhere else." she explained, me going "oohhhhh. We here?" I said, indicating a cafe which matched up with what we were looking for.

The croissants were amazing, we ended up talking about anything and everything and were just enjoying each other's company. "I feel like I've literally known you for years you know." I confessed which made her smile. "Same, and it's only been four hours." she said, both of us laughing at the realisation. "Literally." I was sat on my phone, checking a message and she was checking in with her family on her phone when I felt a slight boost in confidence. Both of our hands were rested on the table, finger tips rested four or five inches apart, so I moved mine forward and connected them, her doing the same, until the point where they were intertwined, both of us just sweetly smiling at our phones.

Tom: How is it? Just got off and in a taxi.
Joe: Great, currently just had one of them croissants, they're amazing here.
Tom; nice, speaking of local cuisine, I'm going to a pub for a pint lol, see ya later.
Joe: Au revoir.

"Shall we head off then?" Dianne asked after a second. "We shall, and the weather is really good so hopefully it stays that way." I say, looking out the cafe window to see Paris coated in sun rays. We then conversed the entire way, fingers intertwined as we strolled among the quaint shops and bars, the elegant structures all around us.

"Wow." Dianne said as we reached the gardens that lead up to the Eiffel Tower, filled with loads of different coloured flowers. "It's just like the pictures isn't it." I said, us both taking pictures of the gigantic landmark. "Come on, let's go see it close up." I suggested, taking her hand and walking towards it, her one step behind. We had finally gotten under it, it was amazing.

"Can I ask you something, why have you always got that hat on?" she asked, making me shrug and give a "it is what it is" face. "Have you got rainbow hair or something?" she said, which did make me laugh a lot. One of my hands were holding hers, them swinging a bit. I did take it off, her grinning and running a hand through it, messing it up slightly and causing it to fall in front of my face is some sort of swept side fringe thing. "Now look what you've done!" I joked, both of us laughing and enjoying the moment. I took a brief second to look at the girl in front of me, she was absolutely stunning.  "What are you looking at?" she giggled, making me flinch a little. "Nothing." "Is that all I am to you, nothing?" she said raising her eyebrows. I just blushed and rolled my eyes. "Shut up." "I exclaimed, her giggling and us moving closer in the process, so close that that there was probably none at all. I noticed her gaze go from my eyes, then to my lips, which not going lie would love to be on hers right now, then to my eyes again.

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