The Reeds of Sutherland

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Anne had always loved her uncles office, it was warm an inviting. The smell of parchment  and fresh ink permeated the air and a warm fire smouldered in the corner. It reminded her of her fathers study, of home.

"So my Queen" James jested as Anne sprawled herself across the chair opposite her uncle. "Oh stop with the formalities, I can't stand it, not from you at least." she groaned lying back on the chair. 

"What seems to be troubling you my dear niece."                                                                                               Anne sighed before looking up at her uncle. "Elizabeth's spying on us again, my so called Ladies hate me, and God knows how we're going to handle a war if there is one." James looked up at Anne laughing to himself about her dramatics. He knew she hated ruling but truth be told she was good at it. He also knew she wouldn't like the news he was about to deliver.

" I understand your concern about war, unrest has settled over Scotland, the Lords have sensed it which is why were going to have to invite them to court."

"Your right." James head shot up " did I hear that right?" he questioned, he was almost certain Anne was going to fight him on this, but to his surprise she continued.  

" I need to get to know my Lords, figure out who I can trust so I can build my war council if needs be." she smiled over at her stunned uncle. "I'm getting good at this whole Queen malarkey" she quipped happily. An it was true, she was good at it.

Lord Reed lay in his bed a horse cough escaping his mouth, he was a slightly older man an his time was unfortunately slipping away. He had called his son to his bedside after receiving news from the Queens court. Jamie Reed sat patiently at his father bedside waiting for his violent coughing fit to cease. As the first born son of Sean Reed, Jamie would inherit his lordship and the responsibility of the people who live in the county of Sutherland. The Reed family had been the Lords of Sutherland for decades it was their home and soon Jamie would be responsible for it.

"Jamie my boy." Sean croaked " you know my days are numbered. There's a war brewing out there, I know it. An to confirm my suspicions the young queen has summoned me to court. You shall go in my stead."                                                                                                                                                       


"No buts my boy I want to die in my own keep. In a short time you'll be Lord of Sutherland, its only right you answer the summons." Lord Reed concluded. "Do you really think I'm ready?" Jamie questioned ."Do you think I would die if you weren't." He chuckled " No Father your far to stubborn to die before you want to" Jamie laughed smiling at his father. His father had never been all that warm but he'd taught him how to be a man. An for that he would be forever grateful. 

Jamie Reed knew little of the young Queen, but she was rumoured to be beautiful and fierce. To be honest they'd heard little from the capital in recent years, since the famous 'rebellion of the Lords' the Queen had spent her time repairing her slightly damaged reputation. The rebellion was stupid. An something Lord Reed had stayed far from. This had meant house Reed had stayed in the crowns good graces. Lord Reed had been impressed by the young woman and so far supported her rule. Jamie intended to continue this positive relationship with the crown.

Anne gasped as the strings of her corset were pulled impossibly tight, Cora Benson , Anne's handmaid, winced as she tugged on the strings before swiftly tying them into a neat knot. Soon a velvety red dress coated Anne's fine figure and a silver tiara rested in her raven hair.

"You look gorgeous!" Cora exclaimed as she straightened Anne's necklace. Anne sighed as she glanced at Cora, nerves bubbling in her stomach. The Lords would be arriving soon which meant their would be plenty of questions. A great feast was being held to welcome the Queens esteemed guests which meant wine would be flowing and Anne would be entertaining the many Lords till late into the night, whilst wearing a corset which was impossible to breath in. The mere thought of it made her heart sink and her stomach flop.

Cora began layering jewellery on Anne till she was coated tastefully in glittering gems. She was the epitome of royalty. 

"Cora don't you think this is a bit much?" Anne questioned as she gently traced her sapphire encrusted neck. " You my Lady are a queen. Therefore you must look like one. You represent Scotland, so you must be as refined and rich as the lands you preside over."

 Anne huffed, Cora was right she always was. Despite being a common French girl the handmaiden seemed to poses infinite amounts of wisdom, of which Anne would be eternally grateful for. Somehow her French lilted voice almost always managed to calm Anne, as her head ran into the lengthy lands of over thought. Memories of the rebellion of the Lords had plague Anne for years now, always manging to enact some level of insecurity in her mind. The early years of Anne's rule had not been particularly pleasant. After being ruled by a regent for so many years, Scotland's nobles were less than happy to be ruled by Anne, who the they deemed little more than a child. Nightmares of the executions which had occurred early in her rule haunted her. Images of men's heads rolling across the floor consistently flitted across her unconscious brain. Blunt axes had hacked off the heads of the men who dared to oppose her.

It had been the right thing to do. Crush the coup before it crushed her, but that thought did little to ease the guilt which followed Anne. All it did was make her nights more restless.

A knock dragged Anne from the dark memories. "The Lords will be arriving soon your grace" a timid servant girl stated before hurrying back to the kitchens. 

With her head held high Anne exited her chambers prepared to plaster on an eloquent smile for the next few hours.

A/N - Sorry this took so long ,please comment a let me know if its any good. Xx

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 07, 2020 ⏰

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