7. Just a bad dream

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Bakuhoe's POV:

It was still lunch time, we didn't eat and now I was trapped there with him. Awesome. I knew I could just leave without waking him, but what if that made him start crying again? I wasn't going to add more of his crying to my guilt list, there already was a shitload of it. So, the only option I had was staying there and waiting as I starved until then.

I watched him snore quietly as minutes passed. All the silence in that room got annoying, it made my mind start to process everything and discuss it with myself so easily. I didnt like overthinking, but did it often enough to analyze every detail and still know I missed something important.

"First, this morning there was that loud noise... What could make that sound when it fell, most likely breaking? That can also be found in a bathroom?..."

I started to gently play with Deku's fluffly hair without even noticing, my mind made sure to keep me distracted.

"I got it! Maybe it was his phone that fell and hit the ground? No, wait, the screen wasnt even broken... And that kind of noise would be more metallic, I guess..."

I rolled my eyes in disappointment for making such a stupid guess, I had to be smarter than that.

"Fuck, I can't even remember the noise clear enough to know how was it!! What could a lazy memory like that be compared to anything? GODDAMMIT Katsuki, think!... Oi, what if I actually look for evidence? I just got to back away and check in the bathroom, then come back before he starts crying again- if he's gonna. Yes, I like that plan, stupid deku surely left proof all over the place!!!"

My face lit up a bit at my idea, but that instantly faded away.

"Hold on a second... Why am I worrying so much about a noise? It was just like any other think, probably deku being clumsy as always. Although, he almost gets himself killed today... Will it have anything to do? How a noise in a bathroom be related to get ridden over by a car? Or passing out after it?
So many questions I can't answer that he can..."

I sighed and looked down at the nerd, he looked so peaceful...

"I dont know how you're doing it, but with only a few of your snores my worry faded away. Sounds weird, right? I worry about the nerd now... What the shit have you done, lil brat?"

He giggled lazily in his sleep, which made me believe he was hearing my thoughts for a second and reacted in his typical cute ways.

"Thanks, izu"

That was totally unexpected. Being this close to him, talking out loud could wake him up even if it were my softest tone.
He groaned and yawned. Shit, he's awake. I couldn't think of anything else but rolling out of bed and falling to the floor, hoping for him to believe nothing happened. Which I did.

"This was a horrible idea"

I stood still on the floor hoping for him to be asleep enough to ignore the loud noise I made when hitting the ground. But life won't give me breaks today.

"Huh? What- who's there?" even by hearing his tone of voice you could tell he was still half asleep.

I didn't move and spat the first words that came to mind. "Shut up nerd, I just- I dont have to explain! Go the fuck back to sleep. Tch" Wasn't my best line, but I couldnt improvise more to fit my... Usual behavior.

It's fine, I forgive you... // Bakudeku angst // (DISCONTINUED) Where stories live. Discover now