16. Mother, help me please

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Pink cinnamon-roll's POV:

I closed Midoriya's door once we had all walked inside his dorm. Izu sat on his bed and Blasty took a seat on the desk's chair (obviously because chairs with wheels are fancier than basic chairs). Meanwhile, I stood still by the door, looking at them both with my arms crossed and a rather serious expression on my face. "Alright. You already know the deal guys, someone speaks up first, whoever. To make it easier for all of us, we'll all share on detail the past that made us who we are today AND explain its consecuences. Sounds good or not, its what we're gonna do. Who wants to start?" I didn't move from my spot near the only exit, becoming the guardian that would stop anyone who dared try to escape that room.

Katsuki and Izuku turned their heads as if they were looking at eachother but without laying their eyes on the other, probably waiting (or hoping) for them to speak up first. Disgracefully for them all they faced was absolute silence. They were both expecting for the other to make the first move, which obviously didn't happen. I waited a couple of seconds for any kind of reply and let go an exasperated sigh and face palmed, shaking my head. In any other context, I would have been perfectly able to stand those two and their 'complexity', but that day in particular put me off the mood with all that had happened in such a short amount of time. I wasn't going to let that pass just because, no, that wasn't an option. I was willing to force them to cooperate if I had to. "Nothing? What a shame, I fear I have to choose for you! Katsuki Bakugo, you go first." I said, leaning a bit forward in his direction as I pronounced his full name, Izuku following my narrowed eyes looking at his childhood friend. Blasty gave me an annoyed groan in response, rolling his eyes as he complained "Why the fuck do I have to speak first, you moron?! I don't even know what to say or where to start, dammit! This is useless pink bastard, give it up already." You know, the only kind of response you could expect from our usual Baku-guy.
"Aww, that's easy my dear! You could start from things like childhood, highschool, friendships or life home in general, take your time with the angsty talk, we're not going anywhere." I said with a playful tone, giving him some advice on where to start narrating his life experiences. Midoriya payed close attention to him. Blasty gave up on complaining, he fixed his posture to in his seat as his expression took a darker and more serious turn. He had accepted how cornered he was and, at that point, lying wouldnt make his actions believable for them, he had to be sincere with those who he didn't admit but truly trusted.
Izuku nodded at him reassuringly, slightly smiling from one side. Even I felt safer around him.

Bakuboom's POV:

I cleared my throat and began speaking, following the order of Ashido's suggestions.
Confessing, being sincere, talking about myself, describing how I felt, exposing my weaknesses, being defenseless, having to trust people... Therapy... That was all I was forced to get into at that moment, exactly all I've wanted to avoid my entire life.

And I couldn't run away from it.

To no surprise, I spoke on a quiet and unusual calm tone, avoiding to meet their faces in fear of having to live knowing their reactions. I couldn't add more weight over my shoulders just because, that whole week was already pressuring more than the usual.
I couldn't see them, but I could've heard if they had muttered a word. Gladly, nothing came out of their mouths.

I've never been the best at story telling, the fact that I went straight to the point made that quite clear. "About my childhood, let's see... I spent it next to the nerd until I was 6, as my mother forced me away from every 'friend' I had ever made. Which weren't exactly what you'd many. My flashy quirk had obviously caught everyone's eyes... Envy, admiration, fear, defence... It was my quirk that made friends and enemies, it had never been 'me'. No one has ever liked the one who made the explosions, you know? Kids followed me for protection and power all the way up until the end of high school, and so did all those other kids that also wanted my power. I don't blame them tho, anyone would have beaten up those 'menaces' who dared leave them in the shadows. So, yeah, my personality is not the best with friends... Nor family." I interrupted my monologue when I heard Deku making a confused, yet surprised, sound. My instinct made me rise my head and look in his direction, viewing his face of complete worry. I always hated it when he made that face. All those times I rejected him because someone else had decided it for me, he would always blankly stare at me like that as I left. As if he was  worrying hopelessly while I was being dragged away from him. Every fucking day the same thing, it was so heartbreaking for me to see.

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⏰ Last updated: May 02, 2020 ⏰

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