15. Not the only broken ones.

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Mina's POV:

We helped Izuku clean up his room from all the blood and papers, which a few were discarded suicide notes or just written venting. By the time we were done, it was already past lunch time and soon for everyone to come back from class.

I was dying of hunger so I suggested the boys to grab something to eat somewhere, that way we could avoid the others (for Midoriya's best at least) and not needing to actually cook anything. Both of them agreed, although Izuku was hesitant at first.

Next thing I knew, we were sprinting out of the builing with a thin coat and our wallets.

Bakugone's POV:

The moment I came back, Pink alien already had some plans which she shared with us. "...Are we really that lazy not to cook anything? Well, I ain't gonna do it, guess we are." I agreed to have lunch out, again. Fucking deku refused so I just kind of dragged him with us, telling Mina he agreed to come too. My whole body was hurting, just on time to wake up and make my day much harder to deal with. Pain wasn't that bad, it just bothered me knowing that new bruises will appear and betray me in front of Deku, which will for sure be a fuck up when he finds out what I did to myself once more. I was such a bother to him, right? Seeking attention when he was the one needing it the most. I didn't need any, nor deserved being even looked at. I didn't matter, he did.

Anyhow, we got to the nearest pizza place in no time and took a seat. Once we decided and ordered, we made small talk for a while as we waited. I was sitting next to Deku, right in front of the pink moron. From the corner of my eye I could perfectly appreciate how depressing the mood was around Deku. "If you weren't the only one, I would told you to cheer up... Guess we aren't at our best today, no one is." I thought to myself, remembering the call I made earlier that day.

"Today is the worst day ever."

At some point, the waiter came with our plates and left them over the table. Mina noticed instantly, while Deku and I remainded inside our minds, not even bothering to react at all. I was thinking, guess Deku was too. I mean, he for sure has a lot of things to think about. Things that I was trying to figure out by piecing the few info I knew together. "Since when is Deku a mystery for me?"

Midoriya's POV:

I couldn't relax.
Being forced to do anything after such a breakdown was something I couldn't deal with. Eating was too much for me, I couldn't do it. "Why do they want to eat anyways? It's a disgusting thing to do."

No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. I can't do it and I won't.

All I ordered was a salad, which was the smallest plate Mina allowed me to have. I didn't even pick up the fork, instead, I directly pushed the plate aside and used the spare space on the table as a pillow, resting my head over my arms. Doing that on my still really sore arms itched a real lot, making me wince quietly. I'm guessing Kacchan and Mina were fully aware of all I did, as I could feel their burning glances on my back all along. My body and mind were exhausted to the point I just couldn't' care enough about those two seeing me avoid eating. I had better things to do than waste my time on that, right?

I felt a strong hand gripping gently on my shoulder, followed by Kacchan's deep voice speaking calmly next to my ear "I know you're tired as fuck right now and that you don't wanna do anything, but you gotta eat something. Don't make me force you, nerd." He talked loud enough for Mina to hear clearly. All I did was groan and bury my face deeper into my arms in an attempt to ignore them both. "At least half of that would be enough, make a little effort and It'll be over soon...!!" Mina added, trying to motivate me in the slightest bit she could. I refused to move.

It's fine, I forgive you... // Bakudeku angst // (DISCONTINUED) Where stories live. Discover now