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"Thanks for watching the kids Pops, I know they're a handful" Ron said, sauntering into the kitchen where Muh spent a lot of his time in now that he was retired

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"Thanks for watching the kids Pops, I know they're a handful" Ron said, sauntering into the kitchen where Muh spent a lot of his time in now that he was retired.

"No problem, they keep me young. It's a blessing to have so many grandkids, they love me while my own kids hate me" Muh responded with a screwed mouth.

It had been two weeks since the disastrous dinner, and Armani still hadn't reached out or returned any of his efforts to. It was clear that she didn't want to speak to him, but he was still adamant on telling his side.

Ron leaned up against the frame of the door, and ran his fingers through his beard.

"I don't hate you, neither does Nico; And Armani just needs time. We all know how hard she rides of Jocelyn"

"As she should, and I just wish she would talk to her ol'man so I could tell her the truth. Shonda wouldn't allow Mahlia in my life, unless I kept it all a secret. Hell, even I found out by mistake. I ran into her ass at Shoprite when she was seven months pregnant, and forced her to tell me the truth" Muh went on while vigorously chopping the veggies in front of him, "Ya'll know I would've never agreed to no shit like that, I'm a family man. But it was her way or the high way"

"I get you Pops, but you know there's court for shit like that right? You have a right to see your daughter, and bring her around family" Ron told him.

"Yeah I know, but with that also means telling Jocelyn and putting her through that. I figured maybe this wasn't a bad thing" Muh clinched his jaw, "If Lyn finds out~"

"If I find out what?" Jocelyn asked sauntering into the kitchen, removing the Chanel shades from her face.

Muh looked up, surprised to see her home so early and he wondered how much of the conversation she heard. He figured not much if she wasn't spiraling out of control at the moment, and wiped the sweat that collected on his hair line from nervousness.

"If I tell you, how will it be a surprise" Muh winked.

Ron raised his brows at his father's ability to improvise on the spot, and he snickered to himself. He had been seeing him do it for years, and if he was honest back in the day he was just as much of a dog as his father and learned most if not all his tricks from him.

It was long ago that Ron realized Muh was a walking contradiction, because he preached for men to be protectors, lovers, and while he tried instilling that in his sons he was always in a scandal with women. From cheating to multiple girlfriends back to back, Muh was never alone. And Ron honestly believed thats what his dad needed.

"Awww, I love you my sugar bear" Jocelyn cooed, wrapping her arms around his neck.

Muh planted a passionate kiss on her lips, and Ron scratched his head awkwardly.

"Yeahhh, Pops Ima go. Nice seeing you Jocelyn" he said shifting his weight to stand up straight.

"Alright son, and tell your sister to call me. I'm serious"

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