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     K-Dot stood at his kitchen island skinning the sweet potatoes, while Armani stood on the opposite side chopping away at her own gathering of ingredients

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     K-Dot stood at his kitchen island skinning the sweet potatoes, while Armani stood on the opposite side chopping away at her own gathering of ingredients.

Music played throughout the large house as they prepared to host their first thanksgiving at their home in less than twenty four hours.

"This remind you of anything?" K-Dot smirked, looking across at his wife.

Armani's lips formed a smile, "The first time I let you have some of this kitty, yeah I remember." she chuckled.

"You want to reminisce?" K-Dot bounced his eyebrows in a flirty manner and Armani laughed with a roll of her eyes.

"Boy, stop playing. We gotta get this food prepared cause both of our families will be here tomorrow." She said, beginning to raid the cabinets for seasonings.

"You ready for that" he scoffed, "Too many crazy mofos in my house at once...did you talk to your Mom yet?"

"Nope." Armani replied, emphasizing the P.

"What about Azure and Justin?"

"Nope again."

K-Dot shook his head. It seemed as if lately Armani was beefing with everyone and he knew that there was no way in hell she would be apologizing first.

Armani turnt her nose up. "Don't give me that look."

K-Dot shrugged, "What look?"

"The I'm stubborn look. My mom is convinced I'm siding with my Dad, Azure is still overreacting about this whole birthday party thing and Justin won't answer my calls. None of that is —"

"My fault." They said simultaneously.

K-Dot laughed, shaking his head at how predictive she was.

"Well it's true." she replied adamantly.

"To you" K-Dot told her, "Remember what the therapist said, some things you don't need to be right about. And It's not about being right, it's about being an adult and moving on." He gave her a knowing look, "You also need to start thinking of other people's perspectives. How would you feel if Azure or Marley risked the chance of getting T-T's party shut down? Or if Justin messed up an important moment for you?"

Armani pouted, hating the fact that K-Dot actually made sense when she would've preferred him not to.

She whined, "But —"

"Aht!" He shut her up, "Listen to me, Mani. You know I'm right."

"Fine. I'll apologize to Azure before tomorrow." She mumbled.

"Speak up, I couldn't hear you." K-Dot smirked tauntingly.

"You're annoying." Armani chuckled, "Can you hear that?"

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