Finding Rain

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This chapter takes place in We are the Danger. And yes, this story is going to be crossing over all the timeline and such Rainimator made. This one will cover Season 1 (Save Begin Again) and the first three episodes of Season 2.


Post Author Note:

Haha, note the new chapter name. It's literally based off of Finding Nemo because this random thought popped in my head


"So you wish to leave," Matriarch Ceris stated. Even after all this time, she still intimidates me.

"Yes, Matriarch," I said, "I judge myself to be ready to face Herobrine and his undead."

Matriarch Ceris sighed, "Go if you wish, you're technically not my people."

"Farewell, Matriarch," I said, feeling hyperactive. I have a plan in my head, although the plan requires a lot of improvising. But isn't this what quests or adventures are? Improvising?

"Farewell," Matriarch said. I walked towards the center portal that brings me home, and without a second thought, leaped in.

I came out of the portal in the chamber that I entered from and began the painstaking journey to climb back up. This time, luckily, I packed chorus fruit. I ate a little as a risk and hoping it would bring me up faster. It's my only entertainment during my way up. I hid my armor in a bag, I don't want to reveal where I had gone for the past few days yet.

When I finally emerged, I was sweaty and my eyes stung. I forgot how blinding light can be. But I quickly adapted to it. I then saw a beautiful jet black horse with light brown hair. A saddle was draped across it, but the horse looked abandoned. It nudged me. I stared at it blankly. It took a while for the message to sink in.

"Ohh! You want me to ride you?" I asked. The horse rolled its eyes, I could've sworn the message it said was yes, you idiot.

So I climbed on and rode on to the Frostbourne.

But what I saw was a somewhat less manned place. I walked up to a guard.

"Where are the others?" I yelled up.

"Why does it concern you?" The guard yelled back.

"I'm looking for somebody! Last I heard he's with the Frostbourne!" I yelled.

"Give me his or her name! He or she may be here!" The guard replied. I'm pretty sure Rain would get himself tangled in the larger group, but it's worth a try.

"His name is Rain!" I shouted, "The Dragon Tamer!"

"Then... he followed the big group. They went to retrieve a village over there. I'll draw you a map," the guard said, pointing vaguely north. I took a sharp intake of breath, the village I came from is from the north.

It's just a coincidence. There are plenty of villages taken in the north, I tried to reassure myself. I didn't notice when the guard tosses down the hastily drawn map. I picked it up, and my suspicion has been confirmed.

It is my old village. Is this step too quick? I have no choice.

"Thanks," I said, before climbing back on the horse, who I named Jet, and raced towards my village. I don't really need the map. I know the path by heart.

"Hurry up boy, hurry up. Please," I whispered to the horse, it galloped even harder. It took a while to arrive, but then we took a small stop to put on my armor. I readied my bow and made sure my knives are nicely sheathed on my sides and my sword strapped to my back.

The village is under attack my netherkins. They must've taken it, but the nether came to take it back. They must've allied with Herobrine. Clenching harder on my bow, I gulped down a potion of jumping and leaped onto a roof. I jumped from roof to roof, firing at any enemies coming my way. I then saw a man wearing armor that stood out, I assumed that's Ser Patrick. And a pigman is sneaking up on him.

I narrowed my eyes, took aim, and fired at the pigman. Ser Patrick turned to find its body with the arrow stuck in it. He looked at me, I nodded and teleported away, thanks to my armor. I ran from roof to roof, hoping to find my target, Rain.

I did score, but I scored more than that.

I leaped onto another roof, my potion wearing off when I saw Rain staring at somebody. I followed his gaze and I couldn't believe what I'm seeing either.

It was Abigail.

But different yet again. She wore the clothing of one belonging in the nether. She used a staff instead of a bow, and she is killing the iron golems. She then turned and I saw her eyes are white and glowing.

My hands shook on my bow, I can see Rain's hesitation. Everybody in our village knows the two both have a crush on each other. Me, being both of their friends, knew as they confided in me. It's a useful position.

But to my dismay, Abigail didn't hesitate. She knocked Rain over and made him lose his grip on his sword. Rain expertly dodged her attacks, but at one point she thrust her staff at his chest. I somehow knew it can pierce his armor.

I aimed and let loose my arrow.

I can't kill Abigail, but my arrow knocked her staff aside, stunning her. Rain pushed Abigail down and froze her to the ground. Abigail flailed. And I jumped down from the roof, my armor absorbing the damage from the fall. My armor doesn't come with a helmet, so Rain recognized me immediately.

"Iris...?" He asked. He looked like he didn't believe his eyes.

"Yeah, it's me," I reassured him, "Now if we want to catch up, let's do it somewhere else." Rain looked overwhelmed, he took one last glance at Abigail and fled. Poor soul. I followed him.

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