Chapter 1

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Half of the plot belongs to me. However, the characters in here does not belongs to me. Also, I'm the one who edited the cover.


Kaminari yawned and stretched his body before he put his head onto the desk. The class has ended and now it is recess time. His stomach growled, telling him to get up and eat. "Kaminari, C'mon let's eat! Why are you waiting for?" Sero said as he stand in front of Kaminari's desk. Kaminari lifted his head and gave Sero his signature grin.

"I had a dare from Kirishima yesterday. He dare me not to eat until dinner. And I, a man who does not go back on his word, will not eat until then!" Kaminari said as he puff out his chest and put his fist on it. Sero smiled at his friend action. "Alright, if you say so. If you want anything just text me dude!" Sero said as he walked out from the class and shut the door.

Silence filled the room, Kaminari's grin dropped and he lay his head on the table again.


Sero walked towards the bakusquad table with food tray on his hand. "Oi, Sero, Why are you late!!!" Kirishima shouted from the table. Bakugo smacked Kirishima's head. "Don't fuckin shout in the canteen, shitty hair. People are trying to eat." Bakugo said before going back to consuming his katsudon. Kirishima whine and said to Bakugo something about him having to lighten up a bit. Sero sweatdropped at them as he set his tray down on the table and sat next to Mina. Mina look at Sero questionally.

"Where's Kaminari?"

Sero picked up his fork and stab the spaghetti. "He said he won't be eating because Kirishima dared him not to eat." Mina cocked her head to the side. "Eh? So Kaminari is still in the class?" Sero nodded. "Damn, Kam-" Mina stop as she heard a firecracker like sound. Mina and Sero immediately turned their head to the front. Bakugo's hand was creating small explosion. "THE FUCK DID YOU SAY SHITTY HAIR!" He shout. Kirishima smiles and put his hand in front of him.

"Calm down, man. I'm just saying." Kirishima said. Sero and Mina join in the fun and tease Bakugo. And let's pray that the table won't be flying across the cafeteria.


Tap tap tap

Kaminari lifted his head from the desk and look at the window. He immediately frowned when he saw a bird that he's very familiar of, sitting in front of the window. He closed his eyes, trying to stop the urge of him to strangle the bird or scream out of frustration. The bird tap]ed the window again but this time, it's much more aggressive. Kaminari clicked his tongue. He stood and walk towards the window. He opened the window and glared at the bird. "Whats is it?" He said, annoyed.

The bird put a piece of folded paper that's on its mouth on Kaminari hand. Kaminari immediately shoved it inside his pocket. "I'll read it later. Now, go out of my sight." He said. The bird fly away leaving Kaminari there, staring ouside and questioning his life.


Now, Shinsou isn't a person who like to socialise. Which also means he wouldn't want to be somewhere crowded. And in this case right now, he doesn't want to go to canteen for recess. So instead, he decide that he would take a stroll around the school building. Not that the teacher ever said his action isn't allowed. Besides, he hadn't really get along with class 1-C yet....or he just won't get along with them at all...

He push the thought out of his mind as he shakes his head. He stop shaking his head as he saw a bird fly over him. It look like the bird comes from.... He turn his head at the closest building beside him, Class 1-A. Just by having thought of the class cross his mind made him feel angry and disgust. They're probably like those jerks who think, they are better and they stand above everyone. Those wannabe heroes....

He cought a sight of a boy who has a blond hair and a black highlight on it. The boy look like he's dazing off. But the thing that makes him look at the boy questionably is the expression on the boy's face. It's sad, angry, fed up and... So... Helpless. 'One of the Class 1-A member..... Did he had a fight with his classmate? Well... I shouldn't stick my nose in their business-'

The boy suddenly touch his throat as he gasp for an air. 'Fuck it.' He thought, the boy is having an panic attack! He has to somehow distract the boy from the horrible thoughts that's going his mind. Shinsou walked in a fast pace towards the blond. "Hey, there. I thought everyone would be eating at cafeteria. Why are you still in the class?" Shinsou mentally faceplam because of how amazing his approach is.

The blond however snap out of it. He look a little relieve as he remembers that he's at school and the purple head boy proved it with his uniform and approach. "Well.... Shouldn't I be asking the same? And I'm Kaminari Denki. What's your name?" Kaminari said with a grin on his face. Bless the sleep deprived purple head. What was he thinking? Having flashbacks in the middle of school time? Kaminari wasn't in the mood to smile or anthing at all but he really appreciate it, so in return, he'll be friendly to the guy.

"I ask you first, didn't I? But you don't have to answer it. My name is Shinsou Hitoshi. It's nice to meet you." and it is actually really nice to meet him. Kaminari's friendly grin makes it safe to say that he's can socialise with this guy. Kaminari aura makes him feel nice and... Not lonely. "Ehehehe, you did ask me first. And it's nice to meet you too. I'm just chilling in the classroom because my friend dared me not to eat until dinner. How 'bout you? " Kaminari said.

"I was just taking a stroll around the school building." Shinsou said as he shrugged. Kaminari cocked his eyebrow. "Is that allowed?" He ask. "Well teacher didn't say that it isn't allowed, right?" Shinsou said with a cocky smirk. Kaminari let out a small laugh. "Fair enough." He said, his chest feeling a little bit lighter. A comfortable silence erupts between them. A sudden idea pop into Kaminari's head. "Hey, would you mind if I accompany you on your little adventure?" Kaminari asked him out of blue.

Shinsou was taken aback by the sudden question but he immediately regain his posture. "Sure, that is if you don't mind taking the risk of getting caught by the teacher." He taunted Kaminari jokingly. Kaminari gave Shinsou his signature grin. "Now, a man wouldn't do something without knowing the risk or consequences." Shinsou snorted. "Yeah, yeah. Let's go or I'm leaving you here." He said as he start walking away. Kaminari put his foot on the window and jumped out. He landed beside Shinsou and started to  jog ahead of Shinsou.

"You're too slow, Shinsou. C'mon let's have a race around the school instead. If I win I'll get to accompany for the next 1 week. But if you win.... I'll tell you the secret of how to upgrade "AllyCat" into OP character." Kaminari challenged Shinsou. Shinsou does look like a gamer. The secret of how to upgrade the allycat?! If he get his hands on it... He'll give those guys an epic comeback! Shinsou glared determinedly. "Oh, it's on." Kaminari grinned as his assumption was correct.

And just like that they spend their time racing around the school. Unfortunately, the race ended with a draw. So they both agree that Kaminari would accompany Shinsou for the next 1 week and Kaminari will tell Shinsou about the secret. It's a win-win.

After that, Kaminari and Shinsou went to their own class. Kaminari had forgotten about his hunger and so did Shinsou had forgotten about himself being lonely.


Kaminari dash towards his class window. "MOVE, I'M COMING IN!!!" He said as he leaped into his class, rolled his body and stop right in front of his chair. He sat down with a grin. The other were looking at him surprisingly. Kirishima opened his mouth to ask. "Where di-" The door slam open as their strict homeroom teacher step in. "Safe at base." Kaminari said casually.


If you guys don't know about that AllyCat thing.. It's actually a character from a mobile game called mobile legends. AllyCat is basically Alucard.

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