Chapter 5

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Before you go ahead and read this chap, you need to know something. This book wasn't meant to be have the KamiJirou ship. This book is entirely supposed to be about Kaminari's struggles and you know what. But due to some reason..... I decide to have KamiJirou in here. And one of them is because I ship them and so does one of my friend so, me realise the opportunity decides to do it. However I must say that... I kinda regret it?

Because goddammit I have never written any love story before. So pls bear with me. I'll try to write their love story with my best. But them falling in love with eachother going to be a bit slow? I guess. Anyway enjoy.


Time sure does fly. Because believe it or not, in a few minutes, they'll be walking to the field and the sport festival will begin. He's currently sitting between Jirou and Kirishima on a table with Mina, Bakugo and Sero. And unfortunately, it's very loud. Thank to god he didn't have enchanted hearing quirk or it might going to add more headache to him. God knows how much he hates noisy place.

But right now as he currently sitting on his chair, He's nervous and scared. He bit his finger as he stare off the space. 'Can I do this? God, what if the villain ambush us while the festival is going on? Shit, shit, shit. I don't want to do this. I don't think I worth being a hero when i can't even save myself from the situation I'm in. Am I a coward? I simply don't want people to get involve into my problem... But i can't fight.. I can't... I can't-'

His thoughts came to halt as his hand got pulled away from his mouth. He look at the owner hand that's holding his. "Kaminari, stop. It's bleeding." Jirou said worriedly. Kaminari blinked and looked at his finger. True to Jirou's words, his finger was bleeding. "Dude, are you okay? You look so nervous and very...scared? It's look like you're hyperventilating." Kirishima said from Kaminari's side. "I..." Kaminari trail off, not knowing what to say. "Oi, Dunceface. Calm the fuck down. We're not dying, just competing. But you should know that I'll be number one!" Bakugo said smugly.

Kaminari slowly progressed things before he chuckled. "Sorry, sorry. I was overwhelmed. Um.. Does everyone have band-aid?" He asked. Jirou raised her hand, holding a cute bunny band-aid. "I have one." Kaminari chuckled at her. "What?" Jirou asked, narrowing her eyes at him. "Nothing, it's just... The band-aid is kinda cute..." Jirou glared at him "... Just like the owner of it." Kaminari said with a cheeky smile. Jirou's face flushed. "Shutupandjusttakeityouidiotpikachu" Jirou said as she put in on Kaminari's hand before standing up quickly and walked over to Uraraka and Momo.

Kirishima patted Kaminari's shoulder. "That was smooth, bro. Very manly." He said as his face streaming with tears. Kaminari sweatdropped at his friend's obsession of manliness and Todoroki who was apparently challenging Midoriya in the background. 'Ah, finally.' He thought in exasperation as he put the bandaid on his finger. Kaminari had been hearing that dual haired boy reciting the speech everytime they got into boy's locker room since Kaminari's locker were next to him. Not only that, he'll also hear it when he walk pass Todoroki. He's been whispering the same speech for 4 days. Kaminari swear that he could recite the whole speech if told to.

"Enough with your chitchats. Line up outside. You'll be going to the field very soon. So I suggest you to take every single step with your guts." Aizawa said before disappearing.

Kaminari stood and walked outside of the waiting room. He's nervous and Aizawa looks less like mummies. He should be able to handle this. They lined up and enter to the stadium field a few minutes later. Kaminari immediately want to dug his head in the ground because god how much noisy can people get?

"Here comes the first group who is no stranger to us! The villains attacked that makes them to have the spotlight on their own. That's right! It's Class 1-A, Hero course!"

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