Chapter 3

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Kaminari groaned when his alarm clock made a very annoying sound, indicating that it's 5:40 in the morning. He smash his hand on the button, stopping the alarm from beeping. His head is pounding and he just wish that he could've get sleep for a few hours more. Curse the headache coming from injury and the fucking task that doesn't let him to get his beauty sleep, now he'll look like a undead going to school. He let out a chain of curses under his breath. He swear that this will be a problem to him as he needed to go to school.

But whether he like it or not he still gotta drag himself to school with an energetic vibe. Gosh, Remind him why he choose to do this again? Oh wait, he didn't have a choice in the first place. His hand slapped his face and he drag it down until his chin. He needs coffee. Yeah, coffee sounds nice but before that... Let's get ready for school. Kaminari stands up from his chair and walk towards his clothes that hanging on the wall. He take it and start changing.

As he pull the last knot for his tie, he look in the mirror. His memory portrays a man with yellow hair almost like his but darker, standing next to his younger self who is wearing school uniform, and pats his head with a huge smile. He smiles sadly and the image disappears. He start at his current self now. Nothing like his younger self. Faking the energetic vibe. Faking those grins. Oh well.. People grow and change. He take his blazer on the bed and put it on before buttoning it.

He walked towards his desk, took his phone and put it inside his pocket. He swung his bag on his shoulder before opening the door slowly and carefully out of habit. His mother wasn't at home at this time which means he didn't have to be soo cautious, but him being cautious whenever doing anything inside his house or outside of his bedroom had become a habit to him. He's inside his own house for god sake. How messed up is it for you to be very cautious inside your own house like there's a murderer lurking?

He proceeded to walk quietly to the kitchen and put his bag on the chair. Thus, He start brewing coffee. Perhaps not a good thing to drink considering that his coffee is very... Strong, but he could care any less. He poured the coffee inside his mug and chugged it down like it was a shot. Luckily, he did not choke but the unlucky thing is that he still need to go to school. He looked at the clock in the wall.


Welp, that's the cue for him to start walking to the train station. It usually took about 20 minutes for him to walk to the train station from his house. Though him walking to the train station at 7 sharp and arrive at school gates on 8 am is something he'll like to do. But staying in his dark and gloomy house is not going to help his head. Speaking of which... He certain that his head is injured but there wasn't any blood... Probably just bruise or worst case scenario... Internal bleeding. Hopefully not that.

He set down his mug on the table. He lifted his bag on the chair before taking the house key near the table. He walk towards his house door. He put on his school shoes quickly and quietly before twisting the door knob. He step out of his house and lock the door. He turn around and close his eyes. A gentle breeze past by him, hitting his face and blowing his bair to the back. After that, he opened his eyes and started to walk towards the street.

"Oh, Good morning, Kaminari-kun. You're so quiet that I didn't even notice you had gotten out from house." An old lady with a watering can on her hand said from the other side of his house. "Good morning, Yukata-san. Sorry, it had been quite a habit for me to be quiet at morning." Kaminari said with a small smile as he turn towards his neighbour. "Oh, there's nothing to be sorry for, sweetheart." Yukata said with a reassuring smile before it slowly change into a frown.

"Are you feeling well, dear? I heard you guys yesterday. It was kind of loud...." She trailed off with a very concern expression in her face. He gritted his teeth inside his mouth before relaxing. "I'm fine, Yukata-san. Nothing serious. I made a mistake. That's all." He try to reassure her that he's well. Yukata stared at him for a moment before sighing. She smile at Kaminari. "Alright then. Take care of yourself. Have a safe trip to your school, dear." She said gently to Kaminari and then resume back to watering her flowers.

Kaminari bid her a goodbye, not forgetting to also thank her before walking to the train station.



Kaminari didn't know why or how he ended up here, in front of his class door, 30 minutes early. Oh wait, now he remembered. He was supposed to take the train on 7:35 but somehow he took the the train on 6:50. And it wouldn't have happen if it weren't for his stupid decision to escape from that stupid large rut. Well at he's out from his house. But then there's this whole tiresome school things.

He slide the door open only to regret it a second he did that.

His gold orbs stare right back into a pair of red orbs. Iida is sitting there and stare at him with the most shocked and worried expression. Then, there's Iida... He had almost forgotten about him.

'F u c k'

Last night, Iida somewhat turn into a interrogator. But he manage to deal with him yesterday. And just when he think about being careful. He's here with Iida who seems to have his eyes on Kaminari. Kaminari immediately raised his hand, a grin on plastered on his mouth and he walks forwards into the class. "Good mornin' Iida!" He said as brightly, bubbly and loud as he could force himself to. But god....

He regret it so much.

As soon as he greet Iida, his head suddenly start pounding so hard just like how his mother had throw his head at the wall. He stop dead in the track and grin falter a bit. "Is there something wrong, Kaminari-kun?" Iida immediately ask. Kaminari shook his head slowly and gently so his headache won't get worse. "I just realised... Just how early do you arrive before homeroom starts?" Kaminari said. A lie made in a second.

"Well, Kaminari-kun! I usually arrive 1 hour early before homeroom starts. It's actually a surprise to see you this early! Usually you and the others would arrive 10 minutes before the homeroom starts!" Iida said as his arm does a some kind of robot-like motion. Kaminari's left hand rubs the back of his neck. "I might have accidentally taken the wrong train... I took the train before my usual train..." Kaminari said sheepishly.

"It's okay, everyone makes mistakes." Iida said.

"It's not a mistakes Iida. It's just an happy accident. Ey. " Kaminari said jokingly as he finger gun at Iida.

Kaminari sat at his chair, he feel relieved as Iida's concern that laced inside his eyes had disappeared as he smile him. It seems that he's is safe. How careless of him to be almost discovered. His head is still hurting. 'Hopefully I'll manage to get through the school smoothly today...' He thought. He turn towards Iida and make a conversation with him. Afterall he's known to be quite a talker, he could not just sit there and become todoroki shoto #2.

I'm sorry that every chap has only 100 + words. I'll try to make it longer in the future.. Don't hope to much from me though.

Also, here's info about Yukata. Yukata is like a precious neighbour grandma to Kaminari. She knows what's going on in the house but she kept quiet to grant Kaminari's wish. She invite him to drink tea every now and then. She even invite him to sleepover her house if things get out of hand in the house, but Kaminari politely reject the offer due to not wanting his mom to rage even further.

How about the other neighbours? They simply don't care what happens to other person.

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