[Special] Clear Vision Of The Firework

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Colourful fireworks decorates the sky.

A little kid with yellow hair that has black streak waddle towards the balcony. He look at the sky with amazement. His round wide golden orbs reflects the colourful light from the firework.

"Mommy! Mommy! Look at the firework!!!" The child exclaim excitedly as he call his mother.

"Ah! It's the firework! Honey, come and see the firework!" The mother calls his husband. "Coming!" As the father come to the living room, the child from the balcony run to his parents and pull their hands, leading them towards the balcony. "Come one! come on!" The child says excitedly.

Both of the parent chuckle. "Alright, alright. You don't need to pull us." The father says. He lift his son and let his son sit on his shoulder. The child giggle and put his chin on his father's fluffy hair as he hug his father. The mother on the other side smile at the scene.

She rubs her child head gently." You know, we don't need firework to make the happy new year beautiful. You already make our whole life meaningful and beautiful, our precious Denki." She says as the child smile brightly.

"Well i don't need the firework too! Mommy and Daddy are already enough!" He says puffing his chest out proudly. His father raise his hand and ruffle his son hair. "God, I love you both so much." He says fondly.

"Hey Mommy, Daddy. What's your wish for this year?" The child suddenly says, remembering a tv show that had interview several people on the street to ask them about their wish this year.

"Well I wish I would be able to raise you and make sure you grow healthy and strong." The mother says.

"Well.. My wish isn't really for this year.. But I wish I could see you enroll into UA school. And i believe you could. Until then, I'll support."His father says. The child hug his father tightly." Un, you'll see me in the hero course, dad!" the child says.

"What's your wish, Denki?" The mother ask. "My wish.. My wish is not only for this year. But it's forever! I wish we would stay together as a happy family forever!!" the child exclaim with a childish grin.

But he stop grinning when his father suddenly lift him from the shoulder. Both of the parents hug their child." You're really a precious sunshine, Denki. You really are." His father says. The child giggle yet again.

The family lift their head to see the still on going fireworks.

"The fireworks are beautiful, aren't they?"


"They are beautiful.." Kaminari whispers, looking at the fireworks from the balcony at a apartment. He leans forward to rails, put his elbow on it and his hand is supporting his chin. He look at the fireworks sadly. Remembering the old happy memory he had at this kind of moment.

"It's a shame.. None of our wish came true...." Kaminari whispers, his throat feels tight. His father didn't get to see him getting into UA. His mother didn't raise him... In a best way. And lastly... He could never have a happy family. Even if his mother change or something, it could never be the same. His father isn't there. He misses his father dearly.


Kaminari turn around to see behind him. Tsukauchi is holding two mug with a concern look on his face. "Are you okay?" Tsukauchi ask. Kaminari is confuse by Tsukauchi question and he blinks. When he blinks however, he only then realises that tears were running down his cheeks. He immediately wipes his tears away.

"I-I'm fine." He says and go back onto his previous position.. Tsukauchi purse his lip. Not knowing what to do. A bit awkward to be honest. He never deal with teenager. Well yeah maybe teenager that does crime here and there. But he doesn't know how to give a.. Support to Kaminari. He's aware that Kaminari need support from his parent.

But his parent isn't here. So, he guess, he'll be there in his friend's stead as a father as long as he need to.

"Here, I made hot chocolate." Tsukauchi offer a mug to Kaminari. Kaminari hesitates before taking the mug out of Tsukauchi's hand. "Thanks." Kaminari says quietly. "You're welcome." Tsukauchi says and he walk beside kaminari. His back lean onto the rail.

"The fireworks are beautiful, Aren't they? I'm sorry that I couldn't bring you to the firework festival." Tsukauchi says, breaking the silence. Kaminari shake his head. "It's okay Tsukauchi-san. Seeing it from here with hot chocolate in hand is already good enough." Kaminari retorts. Besides, he isn't fond of crowds that much. Too much noise.

"You know, Denki...... I'm sure you're father is proud of you right now. I can assure you that because I'm proud of you too." Tsukauchi suddenly says.

Kaminari eyes widens at Tsukauchi. Before he slowly recover and look forward again. "Yeah.. I know.." He whisper. Hearing that from someone is very... Comforting.

Everthing else is silent aside from the firework. It's a comfortable silence. And honestly, Kaminari is grateful to Tsukauchi. His presence is.. Comforting him in a way. Almost like how his father presence comforts him. A soft smile reach his lips.

Just for awhile... In this moment, everthing seems fine. And it's going to be alright.


I know I'm late but..

HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! #2020 #clearvision

I hope you guys had a great start and an awesome ending this year! Thank you for those who supports me. Even ghost readers!

Thanks again. And have a great year.

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