Marooned with 1D

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Hey guys this is my first fan fic tell me what you think!!

Chapter 1 Marcy POV

"You guy's I can't take it anymore! I'm way to excited!" My friend Jessica said. We all laughed. she had been saying that ever since we picked her and her twin sister, Margaux, up from their house. Right now we were sitting in seats outside our gate about to get on a plane. "I think I'm going to explode!" she said.

My best friends Jessica, Margaux, Erin, Nicole and I were on our way to London for 2 MONTHS!!! What an awesome way to spend summer break, am I right!? Though I knew that was only partially the reason why Jess was so excited, not only were the five of us going to London, but we were going to a One Direction Concert. And the 4 of them were the biggest fans. Don't get me wrong, i think the boys are gorgeous,  and because of the girls I know everything about them, I'm just not that into their music.

"Yeah well, guess what!? We will be in London, England in approximately 10 hrs!! So you all should be hyped!" I yelled.

"Oh Marcy, this was such an awesome idea! I can't believe all our parents agreed to let us go! well i guess that's what happens right after you graduate." Erin said.

It was true, we all had just graduated from High school and were so excited when our parents agreed after I mentioned going to a 1D concert in London. We were all Midlaugh when an attendant said "will all passengers for flight 627 please prepare to board." At that all five of us jumped from our seats and screamed from our excitement.!

"England you better watch out because you got some pretty crazy bitches on their way!" Yelled Nicole.

We burst out Laughing and Boarded the plane excitedly. After we got on the plane we found seats right next to each other and started to fantasize about the adventures we would have in London.

 Well what do you think?? little boring but there is more to come so sit tight!!

XX madsack24 XX

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