Dreams are a comin'!

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Chapter 5 Marcy POV

The girls and I introduced ourselves to the boys, though the only ones that could remember all our names and tell the twins apart was Liam and Niall. It was getting really hot outside and I could feel my skin burning up. Nicole was looking through the emergency kit for sunscreeen when she pulled some out, and started to apply it to herself.

"Hey! Save some for us!" said Harry.

"I need it more than you do! I don't tan ok! I get pink, its in my nature! I don't want to be PINK, got that! so you will wait your turn." Nicole scolded. Zayn chuckled at Harry's bewildered face.

"But I get pink too," harry whispered, though Erin and I heard and started busting up. After Nicole put a couple of layers on, she passed around the sunscreen. Once everyone put some on we saw we only had about half a tube left. 

"well we are going to have to conserve sunscreen now." said Margaux. weall agreed, but Nicole was grumbling about not wanting to be pink again.

The waves we starting to get bigger later in the day, the watch Erin had on said it was almost 11:30 LA time.It's been almost  6 hrs since the crash. Everyone was exhausted, but their wasn't enough room to spread out. The raft was only big enough for 12 people and we filled up a lot of space, especially with the backpacks Nicole, Harry and I had brought with us on the plane. We were all right next to each other side by side. I was Next to Harry and Nicole. We passed around whatever food we had, Jessica and Niall both recieving extra portions, and tried to get some rest. Praying for help. When I looked to my Left I saw Louis, who was sitting Next to Zayn who was beside Harry, staring at me. When he saw me looking at me he smiled and Looked away. weird. Then I closed my eyes and fell back asleep.


Everyone started driftin off one by one. I was sitting next to Zayn and Liam. Liam and I were the only ones still awake. The others have been asleep for about 2 hrs. I was watching Marcy. There was something about her that was... different. I couldn't put my finger on it. She seemed so driven so Protective and independent. I liked it, she seemed like she would do anything for her friends.She was so beautiful to the sun was bringing out the golden highlights in her hair while she slept. Her face was strained as if she was having a bad dream. I wanted to wake her up, hold her and ask her what was wrong. Protect her from her night mares.

But that would be weird, I dont know this girl and she doesnt know me. She would think I was crazy if I went up to her and hugged her. Wrapped my arms around her. Maybe someday I could. 

I looked over at Liam and Saw him staring, at Margaux.... or was it Jessica? I had No Idea.

"Soo, Which twin is that one?" I whispered. He was kind of startled but answered my question.

"Margaux." He said admiringly.

" Do you fancy her?"

"What NO..," He said, I gave him a stern look. " Ok maybe it's just that her and I had a really good conversation. She said that her dad was a firefighter and I thought that was so cool because I wanted to be one at a point. We Just talked about life and what her dreams were since I'm already living mine, and it was..... nice, it felt really good to talk to her. I haven't felt like that since, well... since Danielle really."

"That's great Li." I said, I was touched, I felt happy for him, he hasn't met anyone since his break up. " Im happy for you." I smiled. Then turned as Marcy started to move.


I woke up to the sound of people talking. I didnt open my eyes because I recognized Louis and Liam's voices. I heard their whole conversation. I was excited. I have had a crush on Liam ever since he set foot on the stage at X Factor. and he was saying that he liked me! that was a dream come true!


In my dream I was on an Island, Nicole was there too. Actually she was right next to me. It was weird because it was like i was watching from afar, looking at myself talk to her. What made it even weirder was that they, i mean, Nicole and I, started to undress. Which was surprising. Then We both went into the ocean for a late night swim. The other me came back for air right next to her face. The other me leaned in and kissed her, I wasnt their but my lips felt warm. My skin was tingly, I was really envious  that the other me was experiencing this moment. I wasn't really sure why though. The only conversation I had with her was about the cloud shapes. She was really funny though.

I was enjoying the moment when I was interuppted by a scream.

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