Home sweet home

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We started to drift over to the island that Nicole had saw. How did I totally not notice that, we were only at least 2 miles away? Usually I was always the first one to notice, the responsible one. That is why I am called the daddy of one direction. Though I was distracted, I was to busy watching Margaux. She was deep into thought, I wanted to know how she was feeling, what she was thinking, and what she had to say, all the time. I couldn't stand to see her panic like she had. I feel like even when i tried to calm her down I was useless, I didn't have any effect on her at all.  Maybe she needs someone who can understand her more, someone who could really calm her down.

As i thought about that concept We were were floating closer to the shallower part of the beach on the island. Everyone jumped out into the cold ocean water out of excitement and set foot on the beach. Finally Land!

"Ni- Nicole, Erin?" Marcy said. I looked back to see her still on the boat, looking for help from her friends. Nicole and Erin both got back to the boat as fast as they could and pulled it all the way up to the beach, where Marcy got out. She looked so relieved to be back on land, as if a ton had been lifted off her shoulders. I thought the whole ordeal was peculiar, and when I looked back at the lads the had the same look.

"Well now that we're here, what do we do?" Zayn said. The Lads were looking at me and the girls at Marcy. 

"Well-" Marcy and I said at the same time and then stopped. we laughed, then I started.

"I guess we should try to find food? And it's starting to get dark so we need to get a shelter going as soon as possible." Marcy Nodded in approval and said,

"What all was in the emergency bag?"

"Well, there was sunscreen, which is almost gone, food that is gone, 5 water bottles but only two have fresh water, and a survival guide." Jessica informed.

"Ok, we can work with that, we are going to have to share 2 people to a bottle. Find a stream other than the ocean where we can get water. Find any kind of food we can, and like Liam said build a shelter. Unless you guys want to make a big shelter we should start off trying to make 2 huts, then tomorrow make some more since there is ten of us." Marcy said.

i was impressed she sure knew her stuff. then she continued. "So we should split up, four people working on the huts, the rest looking for food and water 'cuz thats more important and we are in unfamiliar territory."

After that speech we split into groups...

Marcy POV

Erin, Margaux, Liam, and harry decided they would work on the shelter. Then Louis,Zayn, Niall, Jess, Nicole and I go look for resources. the six of us entered the unknown Jungle behind the beach while the others started pulling bark and leaves and such to build with. Once we entered and gone  a few feet Louis said, "I think we should divide and conquer, 2 for food. 2 for water, and maybe another 2 for more food. 

"FOOD!" Jess and Niall yelled. then they turned and laughed. 

"We'll look for food and bring back as much as possible." Niall said, then he and Jess went the opposite direction. Nicole looked at Zayn and stuttered, "Well uh I guess uh we should go and uh look for food too." I was shocked never before have i seen Nicole at a lose for words. Then they too walked in a opposite direction. Louis awkwardly looked at me.

"Well I guess you and I are stuck with water." He smirked. I nodded and smiled. His eyes peircing into mine forcing me to look away. We walked straight into the Jungle further into the heart. We didn't talk much, mostly because i was to nervous and was avoiding eye contact.

After about half an hour, we found a small stream, we didn't have anything to put the water into so we marked a trail anyone would see back to camp. When we came back, it was almost completly dark. Though we were surprised when we saw not only two huts, but FOUR! and there was so much food! Louis and I rushed over.

"H-How did all this happen?" I said.

"We are fast builders." Liam smiled at Margaux.

"AND WE HIT THE JACKPOT!" jessica said.

"Hey! we found some too!" Zayn exclaimed. everyone smiled.

"What about you guys? did you find water?" harry asked.

"Ya, we marked a trail thats maybe 15 minutes to the stream from here." Louis said.

"That's going to be a challenge." said Erin. Everyone nodded. How where they going to water all the way back to their camp. that was going to be an issue...

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