Chapter Four-Ice? King

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*Aeolin's POV*

Instead of searching for Legolas to share in my ache after speaking with the king, I decide to go for a walk through the King's lands instead. Nature always has soothed my heart. Somewhat, anyway. I move through the woods like a shadow until I'm at the small patch of daisies I'd found before. Carefully, I settle on a root beside them and watch as Taryn lands a little way in front of me.

"Do you wish to speak of your troubles?" He asks as I busy my hands braiding daisies into my long hair and letting the braids lie in front of my ears. My brows furrow at his question.

"Strange how memories of happier days can sometimes return to haunt us like ghosts, is it not?" I answer his question with a question. Gold eyes survey mine a moment.

"You mention what you ran from when we found each other." He reasons softly and my hands drop when both braids are done. I look up at him, his great head framed by blue sky. "I cannot understand this, young one. True love is not an emotion I know except through your memories."

"I would cherish your advice anyways, my friend," I tell him as the old emotions of love lost rolls through me like thunder. Tears prick my eyes and surprise me. I have not cried for him for a while. But I was always moving then. There was no time to think back on what had happened. Taryn steps a bit closer and levels his head with my own so that I may look into one of his great eyes.

"Then I would tell you not to fight this sadness, Aeolin. For it is like the rain that falls from the sky. Remnants of the past that nourish a good future." I smile at his words as the first drops of my own rain fall down my cheeks. My hand raises and wipes a few from my cheek, then I stand and brush my damp palm over his lowered head.

"So they may nourish you as well, dear friend." I sigh and rest my forehead onto his, letting my tears fall freely upon us both.

I head back as my tears dry and the sun begins to set. The palace is strangely busy and when I enter my room, I find a dress on a manakin in the center with a note tucked in the neckline. The door shuts behind me as I float to the note, quickly snatching it and reading the words. The swirling script is easily identifiable as the King's.

"There is to be a festival tonight. If you wish to attend, I have supplied a suitable dress for you. I..." There is a heavy drop of ink between the I and the next word as if he couldn't truly decide when he wished to say. "hope to see you there." I reread the note and my eyes stall on the last sentence. Carefully, I fold the note and tuck it into the drawer with my hidden crown. Having something he wrote me feels...intimate and I can't bring myself to just throw it away. My eyes return to the dress.

The dress is blissfully simple. The center that would fit over my stomach is cream, as are the tops of the long sleeves slit for ease of movement. From the cream center, the silk fades slowly to a dark, shining grey at the edges. My hand smooths over the top that would cut across my chest, leaving most of my shoulders on display. I hesitate only a moment more before slipping out of my clothes and into the dress. My feelings aside, it seems the king took a chance inviting me and I want to reward his vulnerability. Even if I won't be the most lively of guests.

Once the dress is on, I smile slightly. This is a dress for a princess. He'd figured me out. I decide to beat him to the punch and retrieve my crown. Bright silver vines twist together and a single shimmering diamond rests high on my forehead as it settles on my dark hair. Satisfied, I turn and exit the doors to find the guards gone. I step out anyways and look back and forth down the halls until I hear soft noise from the right.

I make my way towards it.

Music and voices drift towards me as I walk down the empty halls. Seems everyone is invited to the king's party. The noise seems mere steps away when I come upon the king. His own robes are stitched from the night sky; a dark navy with silver lining and silver swirls stitched subtly throughout. A simple silver crown much like mine sits atop his head instead of his usual branches. This must be a festival of stars rather than a season. I've only realized I've paused at the sight of him when he looks over at me. Shock widens his eyes and the emotion, along with pleasure, pulls on his lips. My heart speeds slightly.

"I did not look to find you here." He says hesitantly. The slowness surprises me. What could have caused such a turn from the ice king? Our soft moment earlier today? Can he hear my speeding heart? Is my sadness still on my face? I continue moving towards him carefully.

"I could not refuse such a fine gift and kind invitation. Thank you." I employ a bit of humility and bow my head to him. This surprises him as well as he waves away the attendees fixing his hair and robes. It's suddenly just us and this has more weight than before.

"You look well in it." He compliments me before raising a brow at my crown. "But I believe I did not gift everything you have on, princess." The corners of my lips pull up slightly.

"You should know better than to comment on an elleth's undergarments." I tease and laugh a little at the widening of his eyes. A hint of a smile teases his lips at my laugh. "I'm willing to admit when I've been found out. You are not one to waste finery on common folk, King." A bit of levity returns to me and his lips raise as if he senses this. "I find it best at times to see how I'm treated by others when they think me common. If you knew I was the princess of Lothlorien, even you may have held your tongue around me, King, and I would have found that quite disappointing." His eyes scan me fascinatingly and I heat under his scrutiny.

"Is it not already unfair that you can see my thoughts?" He questions and my head shakes.

"I have played fair, King. Your thoughts have always been your own. Despite temptation." His eyebrows raise at my words. "I prefer to be trusted rather than right. Although I am often right anyway." I tease and now he has a real smile on his face. A small one, but genuine. It lifts my spirits far more than it should.

"A talent we seem to share." He posits and I laugh lightly again.

"Are you often right, King? Seems the only thing you've been right about so far was my identity, but that does not mean you know who I am." Deep blue eyes search me with burning curiosity before a horn blasts just on the other side of the door. A moment passes, then he holds his hand out to me, palm down. An unassuming offer.

"Since you enjoy it, I will be sure to continue not to temper my tongue." He says and I nearly believe he's teasing me. "As Princess of Lothlorien, you have the right to enter on my arm." He tells me and I smirk.

"Is that an invitation, King?" I ask and allow my hand to float between us. Thranduil's head shakes slightly with irritation.

"I would like to escort you to the festivities." He corrects and my smile widens. I take his hand and shiver at his warmth purely because it's his warmth. I step close to him so we're facing the doors together and he lays my hand over his forearm. Heat sears the side of my body he stands on and I wonder if he feels it too.

"And perhaps I will do my best to temper my own tongue, as a princess should." A sharp hum leaves his lips that could be construed as a laugh.

"Surprisingly, I believe I would be disappointed if you did."

"Careful, King Thranduil," He looks over at me when I say his name, "if anyone hears you say something like that they'll think you capable of being friendly. A dangerous thing." His lips pull up as the doors open.

"Especially for an ice king." He murmurs and I can't help but smile as we enter the bustling courtyard together.

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