Chapter Eight-Dreams

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*Aeolin's POV*

It's warm wherever I am. Green hills stretch far and a forest rises beyond them, but for now, I am content to breathe in the warm smell of sunlight and grass.

"Aeolin!" A familiar voice calls and I jerk upright with my eyes flashing open. Nothing. Sighing, and with tears gathering in my eyes, my eyes shut again in acceptance that it was just a dream. A dream that was just like all the others. "Aeolin!" The voice calls again and I turn to my left to find a figure I never thought I would see again walking towards me.

"Aelrindel?" I breathe incredulously and he smiles. No one else has a grin that shines so. My feet are running before I've decided to move and he catches me easily as I crash into him. "Aelrindel," I whisper and tears fill my eyes as we embrace. "How can this be?" I question as I breathe him in. He still smells of leather and sweat and earth. I pull back and frame his face with my hands, feeling his cheeks flex as his grin widens evermore.

"You are lovely as always, my love." He tells me and presses a kiss to my lips. It feels as if I'm swallowing starlight. He pulls away and looks deep into my eyes. "But I see your sadness as well. Speak to me." He requests as we settle down into the grass. My brows furrow.

"I still do not understand, Aelrindel. You've...passed." Tears escape my eyes only for him to wipe them away.

"I see I must explain. You were never one to trust blindly, my love." I smile bewilderingly at him and keep his hand locked between mine as his waterfall of auburn hair trickles over his shoulder. "There is poison in you and you've not the strength to fight it. The Valar have allowed me to see you in hopes that I might gift you the strength. Your death would cause far too much sadness, even death, for the Eldar. You cannot fade, my love." He encourages and squeezes my hand caught in his. My head shakes.

"What if I wished to?" I ask and his smile turns sympathetic. My fingers play with his and my other hand reaches forward to brush through his hair. "The world is...darker without you. And I have been everywhere. To survive without you has been the work of many lifetimes." Tears find me again, but as always, he patiently wipes them away.

"I have seen you, my love. Seen you trample orc armies, befriend great eagles, even fight with the forest king." He chuckles lightly and the sound is pure sunlight. How I have missed him. "You have brought more light into the world without me, Aeolin, and there is more for you to do. I will still be waiting for you afterward. Whether you find new love, or not." My eyes widen.

"There will never be another love like ours, Aelrindel. Not in all of Middle Earth." He nods and slides his hands over mine reassuringly.

"No love is ever repeated, but that does not mean new love cannot be found. I wish the Valar reward you with such a love, for you give too much for someone not to pour it back into you. It is not wrong for you to love again, Aeolin. Nor must you banish my memory from you to do so, but you can let go, my love." He looks up at the sky as it suddenly darkens.

"How could I do that? How would I even know, Aelrindel? How could such a thing occur again?" I ask and he smirks.

"Surely you remember how love feels, Aeolin. Come. Our time is nearly gone." He stands and pulls me up with him, holding me close. My head rests in the crook of his neck as his arms tighten around me.

"How will I continue without you?" I ask and allow my tears to fall freely down my cheeks and onto his skin.

"You will find a way, my love. You always find a way." His voice fades and when I look up, he is gone. There is only darkness around me and as soon as I take a step I'm falling. I scream as I hit the ground and suddenly sit straight up on a hospital bed, my eyes drinking in the unfamiliar infirmary. Aches hit me next and I look and find my wounds bandaged up by what could only be Elrond's hand. I look to my right and he is there, standing before me and looking down at me with tears in his eyes. To my left stands the King, but I do not wish for either of them at this moment.

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