Bianca Blackwell

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Bianca Blackwell
Grade 11
Music Program

"Bianca!" Alya called as I walked out of Mr. Parks' class that afternoon.

I sighed in annoyance and turned back. "What?" I crossed my arms.

"Miles, Jax, and I are going to the mall. Do you want to come?" She looked hopeful.

Like I could forget about our fight the week before. Like I could forget that none of them wanted me to be happy.

"Can't." I offered her a fake smile. "I have rehearsals today."

"B, are you sure this is a good idea?" Jax asked. He stood next to Alya, concern written on his face.

"Careful, Jackson. Someone might accuse you of being jealous," I smirked. "You already have a girlfriend, and Austin and I are very happy together."

Alya blinked in surprise. "You and Austin are dating?"

I just winked and headed for the dance hall without saying anything. So what if we weren't official? We'd been on a few dates. Austin would be my boyfriend soon enough.

Vanessa smiled at me when I entered the room.

"After all that drama last semester, I'm glad it actually ended with you and Beckett dating," I said.

Vanessa flinched. My stomach twisted, letting me know I'd said the wrong thing.

"We broke up two days ago."

"I am so sorry. I had no idea."

"It's fine." Vanessa's attention turned to Austin as he entered the room. She scowled and slunk off to be with one of Jax's friends. A boy with glasses.

Austin set his camera down on a bench and started blocking out the climactic scene. "Okay, Bianca. I want you here. Primas dance over there."

I noticed the Primas bristled at Austin's directions. Carly tried to settle everyone, but I wasn't sure why they were so upset.

After we ran through the choreo, with my part included, Austin studied the group. "Okay, it's good, but I have a better idea."

The boy with glasses scoffed.

"Carly, I want you and Mindy to trade places in the final lift."

The girl, Mindy, glanced at Carly in surprise.

"Hold on," Vanessa started. "We've been rehearsing that part for weeks with Carly. We can't just change it now."

"She knows all the steps, doesn't she?" Austin gestured to Mindy.

"Yeah, I know them," Mindy hesitated.

"But it's dangerous." Beckett stepped toward Austin. "Mindy hasn't ever done anything that complicated. It's a little out of her level of expertise."

"Don't dancers adapt?" Austin squinted at Carly. "You agree don't you, Suds? It would make the routine perfect."


Carly, who had been staring at the floor, lifted her head briefly. "Austin's right. We'll start working on it tomorrow."

The other Primas murmured in surprise, flashing nervous glances at one another.

"Perfect." Austin flashed a debonair grin. "Then I think we're done for the day."

Carly pulled Austin aside.

"We can't do this. Mindy's not ready. She could seriously injure herself," I heard Carly say.

"We are doing this, Suds." Austin said sharply. He leaned forward and whispered something in Carly's ear. She paled and walked away.

Austin turned and walked back to me. "Ready?"

I took the arm he offered me. "What was that about?"

Austin rolled his eyes. "You know dancers. They're always such divas."


"Carly and I go back to her freshman year. Just a little inside joke."


So I had nothing to worry about. For a moment, it felt like Austin might have had a thing with Carly once. But wasn't she dating the boy with glasses?


I looked over my shoulder. Scarlett stood outside the dance studio with one hand on her hip and a scowl on her face.

"Hey, Scar."

"I need to talk to you." She glared at Austin. "Alone."

I told Austin I'd catch up to him.

"What's up?"

"What's up? How can you possibly be hanging out with him?"

I scoffed. "They've already got you on their side? I expect better from you, Scarlett."

"He beat up Kit. Bullied Alya and Miles. Did Jax tell you that Sasha's really concerned about Carly?"


"Carly's boyfriend. He's convinced that Austin is bullying her, but she won't stand up for herself."

"Why can't anybody be happy for me? Austin is not a bad person. He's changed. And he really cares about me."

Scarlett looked at me in disgust. "Your friends care about you too. And we've known you a lot longer than Austin."

"Maybe you're not really my friends," I said. "So, why don't you just back off?"

I stormed down the hallway. I wasn't giving up Austin, or my chance to be a star again.

I'm really excited for the next few chapters. Austin has a few more tricks up his sleeve, but so do the rest of the gang. Is Bianca really going to abandon her friends for a boy?

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