Carly Catto

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Carly Catto
Grade 11
Dance Program

Principal Durani stopped me on my way out from seventh period.

"Carly, I'd like to speak with you in my office."

I swallowed hard. What could I have done wrong? I followed Durani to his office and sat down in the plush leather chair. Those chairs always made me feel uncomfortable, like I was waiting at the dentist or the doctor.

Another woman stood in the back of the room, watching us, but not saying anything.

Durani took his seat and smiled. "Your grades are impressive, Carly. I've been talking to your teachers. They think you could graduate a year early if you wanted to."

"Graduate early?" The leather squeaked as I shifted in the seat. "But what about my dance classes."

"I've already spoken to Ms. Helsweel." The woman in the back stepped forward, and I finally recognized her. She was a scout from California who had been watching our third period dance class. "You have impressive skills for your age, Carly. California Institute of the Arts would like to offer you a full scholarship starting Fall 2019."

"Are you serious?" My jaw slipped open.

Durani laughed. "That's usually the reaction we get."

The woman smiled warmly. "It's your choice, of course."

"Thanks, Lisa," Durani dismissed her. He turned to me. "You don't have to go to California Institute of the Arts, but you should still consider graduating early."

I nodded. California Institute of the Arts was my dream! Nothing could keep me from going except... Sasha. He'd been accepted to NYU and, well, I wanted to go where he was going. But California Institute of the Arts was also my dream.

I didn't tell the others. I wanted to talk to my mom first.

She practically screamed when she found out. "Carly, that's amazing! We have so much to do before school ends!" She danced happily through our living room.

"I haven't accepted yet."

She stopped, wrapping her cardigan a little tighter around her chest. "But you're going to, aren't you? I mean that's all you've talked about for years."

"Sasha's going to NYU."

"It's not California Institute of the Arts... would Sasha want you to give up you dream school?"

"I don't want to break up with him. And... he might not want a long distance relationship."

"You won't know until you talk to him."

When I got to school the next day, I still hadn't made up my mind.

"You okay?" Sasha asked during our first period ballet class.

"Yeah," I said. "Just thinking."

"Can we talk later?" His dark eyes looked mysterious. I was suddenly worried he didn't want to date anymore.

"Yeah, sure. After seventh?"

Our second dance class of the day was sixth period. A class Sasha didn't have since he was a senior.

"So, you've been accepted to CIA and you want to give it up for Sasha?" Vee asked me.

Helsweel glared at us, but we continued to whisper as we stretched.

"I mean what about you and Beckett?"

"I'd do long distance or break up with him."

"I'm not breaking up with Sasha," I said firmly.

Another woman I hadn't seen before came in and watched us as we practiced.

"Who is she?" Jenna asked.

"Another scout?" Vee asked. "I hope so."

The woman conferred with Helsweel for a moment.

"Class is dismissed. Ms. Catto, I'd like to speak to you."

I walked over to them hesitantly.

"This is Marissa Lee. She's a talent scout for Julliard."

"Julliard? Wow!"

"Jessica Staut recommended I come see Helsweel's class practice," she said.

Ms. Staut?

"Specifically, she suggested I observe you. She didn't exaggerate your skills. And your principal tells me you're graduating early?"

I nodded.

"Well, if you haven't accepted any other offers, I would love to offer you a spot starting this fall." Ms. Lee handed me a business card.

Now I had to choose between two universities? Julliard was amazing but so was California Institute of the Arts.

Sasha and I met in the courtyard after our last class.

"So." He stuck his hands in his hoodie pockets.

"I need to tell you something," I said quickly. "I'm graduating early, which means I can go to NYU with you."

Sasha looked startled. "Really? Cause I actually have some news, too. I got a call from the National Ballet of Canada. I'm joining their troupe."

"Sasha, that's amazing!" I threw my arms around his neck.

"You don't mind?"

"Of course not. I mean, you still want to be together?"

"Yeah. We can do long distance."

"That's a relief. I actually got accepted to CIA and Julliard."

"Wait, you were going to turn down California Institute of the Arts or Julliard to go to NYU with me?" His eyes widened.

I bit my lip nervously. Sure we'd said I love you before. But never like this. If I told him now, Sasha would know I was willing to anything for him.

"Yeah," I said. "I mean... I love you, Sasha."

A smile crossed his face. "You gotta stop saying things like that."

"Like what?"

"Things that make me want to kiss you." Sasha pulled me into an embrace, his lips brushing over mine.

When we finally pulled away, he frowned. "I don't want you to give up your dreams to  follow mine."

"I've talked about CIA since I was a kid. But Julliard is even better. So, you're joining a company, and I'm going to Julliard?"

Sasha took my hand and squeezed it. "Yes! And if you want to have a long distance relationship then I do, too. Because, I love you, Cee. You'll always be my Cee-nderella."

I melted into his arms. He pulled me into position and we waltzed around the courtyard, forgetting our fears of the future. Now, it was just me and Sasha.

Ugh I love Casha fluff. Don't forget about my other Casha fanfic! Only a few more chapters before this book is over!!!!

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