Vanessa Morita

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Vanessa Morita
Grade 11
Dance Program

Bianca and Jax didn't come to school the next day. Alya didn't come for the entire week. I think all of us felt that way. Miles's death hit everyone hard. And I hadn't even really known him.

But unlike the musicians, us dancers couldn't afford to put off our studies. And I think we all needed something to distract us. But apparently, it wasn't enough to distract Carly.

She stood by the bar listlessly, staring at the mirror with glazed eyes. Hair had escaped her usually perfect bun. A few straggling strands framed her face, which uncharacteristically drooped.

Ms. Staut's hawk eyes scrutinized her. "Ms. Catto, would you like to share what's made you so useless today?"

Carly's lip trembled. She glanced to me.

"Look at me. Not Ms. Morita."

"Jessica," Ms Helsweel said. "I think we're all tired today." Dark half moons sat under her eyes. "Let's take five."

Carly slipped out of the studio.

"Carly seems pretty cut up." Beckett stepped up to me.

My grip on the bar tightened as my heart-rate sped up.

"She and Miles had a project last semester. They got to be pretty good friends."

"How are you?"

The normalcy of his question took me back. The way he acted like we hadn't fought. Like we were still friends. It was surreal. And my foggy mind tried to grasp the situation.

"I—" I sighed. "Miles's death has upset everyone."

Beckett's ocean eyes flickered with sympathy... and understanding?

"Look maybe we should talk?" Beckett moved closer.

I shook my head and stepped back. "Now's not a good time. I think we need to leave things the way they are."

Beckett looked hurt, but he nodded and then left.

Sasha walked over. "You okay, Vee?"

I swallowed. "I'll be fine."

"Cee looks really upset." Sasha couldn't disguise his concern. He glanced toward the studio door where Carly had disappeared.

"You should talk to her."

"The way you talked to Beckett?" Sasha said.

"That's not fair." I bristled.

"No?" Sasha sighed. "What are we going to do, Vee? Everything fell apart. I don't know how to fix it."

"I don't either."


Alya came back to school on Friday.

"Why's she back?" Mindy asked during Prima practice. "Why not just stay home through the weekend?"

I shrugged. "Maybe she needed to be around friends."

Principal Durani had announced this morning that on Wednesday the school would be holding a memorial for Miles.

"Maybe Alya's helping with the memorial?" I whispered as we stretched.

"I think everyone's helping with the memorial. Miles had friends in the art department, too. From back when he dated Julie," Jenna said.

Carly usually pushed us to our limits during practice.  But today she only had us stretch and do basic, routine steps. The two protein shakes and iced mocha with an extra shot of espresso she'd had that day were proof that she hadn't slept at all.

When practice was over, I saw Alya standing at the back of the studio near a large window overlooking one of the courtyards. She caught my eye, a hesitant look on her face.

Jenna, Mindy, and I reached for our bags.

"What do you think she wants?" Jenna asked.

Mindy surveyed Alya. "No one knew Miles that well besides Carly."

"But it looks like she wants to talk to you." Jenna nudged me in the ribs.

I took a deep breath and fiddled with the strap on my gym bag before walking over to Alya. I hadn't seen her since we fought last year. Back when she'd used my personal story to make her music "more realistic".

Alya looked weary. Her clothes hung awkwardly like they weren't the right size. She hadn't bothered with makeup, which made her wide, glassy eyes more noticeable. Alya took deep shuddering breaths as if she was trying to contain the sobs ready to burst from within.

"Hi Vanessa."

"Alya, I'm so sorry."

She let out a sharp sigh. "I know we aren't really friends. But I know how talented you are. I was wondering if you could choreograph something for Miles's memorial?"

"Of course," I said. "What happened doesn't matter now. I'll talk to Carly and see what the Primas can do."

"I know there might not be enough time."

"We're always working on new routines," I assured her. "We'll have something."

"Are you and Beckett..."

I shook my head violently.

"I'm sorry," she said. "But whatever happened, you should see if it can be fixed."

"It can't."

Alya placed her hand on my forearm. "Vanessa, if this has taught me anything, you can't waste time. Especially with the people you love."

I met her eyes and nodded. Alya pulled away and left the studio.


I chewed my bottom lip nervously and watched Beckett from across the room. He'd wanted to talk, hadn't he? I should at least hear him out.

I approached Beckett after Prima practice. "Do you still want to talk?"

He looked at me in surprise, but nodded eagerly. "Can I drive you home?"

We had to wait for Beckett's beat-up Honda to warm in the cool March weather. Spring had not sprung, and most of the students at Keaton still wore heavy sweaters and hats to school. I blew on my hands. The fingerless gloves I bought last year were stylish, but they did nothing to keep my fingers warm.

Beckett didn't speak until we'd entered the highway. "I'm sorry. I shouldn't have tried to control you. It's clear that you and Sasha are only friends. Miles's death made me realize I don't want to fight with you anymore." His grip on the steering wheel tightened.

"Neither do I. I've missed you."

"Vanessa, I love you. That's why I was so jealous. But I won't be anymore. I trust you."

"I wish I could say the same. I want us to work, but we have to take it slow. We need to rebuild some things."

"Absolutely." Beckett nodded so hard I thought his head might come off. His grip of the wheel slowly loosened.

I smiled at him. "And Beckett? I love you, too."

Hey! Sorry that my updates are more sporadic. I major in English so I'm constantly writing for school, but I'm trying to update at least once a week. What did you guys think of this chapter? Beckett finally made up with Vee! But will Sasha make up with Carly or is Casha over forever? Miles's memorial is going to be so sad!!! But the next chapter is going to be exclusively from Kit's perspective!

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