Kit Dunn

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Kit Dunn
Grade 11
Former Keaton Student

My boyfriend was missing. And not in the cute "he's blowing me off so he can surprise me later" way. It was more like "he blew me off for guys night three nights in a row and now I'm annoyed" way.

Three nights laying around at my house. Don't get me wrong, Scar's great. But this was ridiculous.

I texted Carly.

Kit: what r u doin?

Carls: nothing. Your boyfriend stole my boyfriend.

Kit: ha. ha. I haven't seen Jax all weekend.

Vanessa: this is all Sasha's fault.

I realized Carly had added Vanessa and made us a group chat.

Carls: how so, Vee?

Vee: he introduced Beckett to Jax. Now our boyfriends are out on the town, WITHOUT US!

Kit: come over. I have a plan.

Vee: does it include payback?

Carls: or ice cream sundaes?

Kit: both if we're lucky.

Twenty minutes later, three ice cream sundaes, and a car ride from Scar's boyfriend, Aiden, Cee, Vee, and I sat around a table at Shakes & Stuff discussing our plans for revenge.

"Does anyone know where they are?" Vee took a sip of her chocolate milkshake. She rested her elbows on the round table.

"Sasha has to post everything." Carly whipped out her phone and started scrolling. "They're at an arcade a few blocks from here."

"Let's hoof it." I chugged the rest of my drink and threw away the cup.

We walked to the arcade. Behind me, Carly and Vanessa started giggling about something. I repressed an irritated sigh. Sometimes, they were overwhelming.

"Kit," Vanessa walked up to me, looping her arm through mine. "How did you meet Jax?"

"He was my partner for a school project," I grunted, resisting the urge to pull away. Bianca was the only person I knew that was this touchy-feely.

"That's how Sasha and I met, too." Carly stood on the other side of me.

"And only a few days later, Cee had a huge crush." Vanessa giggled again.

"But I thought you guys didn't start dating until right before Christmas?" I asked.

Carly pursed her lips. "I tried to kiss him, and he rejected me. And then two years later realized he had feelings for me."

"Beckett kissed me and then ghosted me," Vanessa said. "While I was injured."

"Wow. Am I the only person here with a normal love story?" We stopped in front of a retro geeky arcade.

The neon lights flashed loudly, making me want to vomit. Gamer boys stood around ancient video games. Glasses and beanie's assaulted me from every direction. And no, beanie's are not the same thing as a toque.

I spotted Jax, Sasha, and Beckett in the back. "There!" I pointed.

"Wait," Vanessa pulled me aside. "What's the plan?"

"Vee's right. Right now we just look like stalkers," Carly added.

"Oh that's easy." I gave Carly a knowing look. "We're going to challenge them to a dance off."

"Here?" Vee crossed her arms.

"Look at the game they're playing."

"Oh my gosh," Carly snorted. "What losers."

"But they're our losers," Vee added.

We walked over, catching the tail-end of the boys' conversation.

"I kind of feel guilty for blowing Kit off so much," Jax said.

"I mean Carly's going to have to get used to a long distance relationship," Sasha laughed.

Beckett said nothing, waiting impatiently by the Dance Dance Revolution machine. "We gonna play or what?"

"Yeah boys, we gonna play?" I asked, stepping out from behind the row of 80s games. Carly and Vanessa followed me.

"Kit? What are you doing here?" Jax asked.

"Challenging you to a dance off. Girlfriends against boyfriends."

"How did you know we were here?" Sasha asked.

"Saw it on your Instagram." Carly flashed him a smile. "I mean I have to get used to long distance don't I?"

"Where have you been?" Vanessa looked at Beckett.

He shrugged. "We gonna dance?"

She cocked her head, quickly tying her hair up. "Best suggestion I heard all night."

"So, Jax." I looked at my boyfriend while Vanessa and Beckett tried to out dance each other. "Where you been?"

His face reddened slightly. "You know—"

"Ditching your girlfriend?" I finished.

"Go, Vee!" Carly said.

I looked toward the game where Vanessa was dancing her way through a speed round like it was easy.

"That game is rigged," Beckett muttered.

"Or, you can admit I'm a better dancer than you." She poked him in the ribs.

"Our turn." Carly pushed Sasha to the dance floor.

"Sure, but don't cry when I win."

"As if," she snorted.

Beckett and Vanessa leaned against the railing along the edge of the game's dance floor.

"I'm glad you have friends, Jax. Especially after..."

"After Miles?"


Jax shrugged. "I felt guilty because I went on with my life even though he wasn't here. I realized just because he isn't here doesn't mean I can't live my life."


"I'm sorry for ditching you. I already lost one best friend. I didn't mean to lose you, too."

"You didn't lose me." I looked at him in surprise. "I just missed you."

"Yeah, well I need to spend more time with you, too."

"Beckett's right!" Sasha jumped from the raised dance floor in irritation.

"Like Vee said, admit I'm better," Carly smirked, infinitely proud she'd beaten Sasha.

"Right, Jax you're up." Sasha motioned to him.

"Not a chance."

"Same," I said. "Now a dj battle?"

"Girl, you know I'd win that." Jax raised an eyebrow.

"As if!"

Vanessa looped her arm through Beckett's. "Now that our boyfriends have sufficiently been chastised, let's get out of here."

"Anyone up for more ice cream?" Carly asked. "Except this time the boys are paying."

They groaned.

"Sounds perfect," I said.

Awww Kax, Becknessa, and Casha fluff!

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