Chapter 6: Like I Never Left

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Arriving at the airport , we grabbed our things and split up. Our parents sent their chauffeurs to pick us up. I gave Paul the biggest and tightest hug. Paul and everyone who worked in the house made living in that hell hole a little easier.  They were like family to me. They saw the abuse my mother and sisters put on me behind my father's back. Being the top neurosurgeon had its fallbacks. My father was barely home. But when he was home , he made sure he spent quality time with the family as a whole and with everyone individually. My favorite times with him were our drives to visit grandma.

" Paul how is Gwen and the kids doing?" , I asked

" Gwen is well and misses you so much. You should visit more. And the kids aren't so little anymore. The youngest is in high school now. We can't thank you enough for the gifts you sent over the holidays." , he replied back.

" No need to thank me. You guys are family to me. It was nothing for me'' I told him.

    Pulling up to the house , every good and bad  memories from my childhood came back to me. Paul opened the door for me and went to grab my bags. Walking up the stairs I was greeted by the butler. I handed him my carry on and made my way to find my father. I could hear laughter coming from the patio. I walked out to find my parents, Sarah and her husband, Eva and a male having drinks. I cleared my throat to announce my presence. I could see the hatred in my sisters' eyes and the annoyance in my mothers . I could have sworn Eva's male friend winked at me. All that mattered to me was the pure happiest in my father's eyes as he walked up to me with his arms wide open. His hug melted all the stress and emotions I have been feeling. 

    Always on cue  my mother interrupted the hug with her famous kiss on each check. I could feel her eyes roaming my outfit. Of course it wasn't up to her standards. I addressed Sarah and Eva and shook Eva's date hand and gave David a hug. " Sorry for my appearance , I didn't know we would be having company. I came straight to the airport and haven't  had time to freshen up , ''I said . " Nonsense sweetheart you look beautiful as always . Come in and have a drink with us , ''my father said. I could feel my mother throwing me death glares. " Only my youngest daughter would wait until the evening before the event to come back home,'' she said annoyed. " Sorry my mother I couldn't get away from work sooner, '' I replied back. 

I learned Eva's flavor of the day was an uprising athlete with an amazing passion for history. David talked about his private practice he recently opened. And my mother raved about the fabulous and over top party she was planning for tomorrow night. Tired of the stares of Eva's date and my constant glares Sarah would threw at me , I excused myself and left for bed.

    I woke the next morning to find three missed calls from Melvin and six text messages asking me to pick up and how much he loved me and only wanted me. I deleted them and rolled over to go back to sleep. But I guess my mother had other things in mind for me as she came bursting into my room. " I have done everything in my power to provide a good life for you girls and all I ask is for you look perfect and presentable. But no my daughter has to overweight and can't keep a man to save her life." , she said. Sighing I decided I might as well get out bed. " Good Morning Mother, have I done something to upset you?"I replied back. " I am not in the mood for you sarcasm Jayla. Where is Melvin? And why aren't you following your diet ? I see you still haven't lost the fifty pounds we agreed to." , she said annoyed.

    " I don't know what to tell you mother. Melvin and I aren't together anymore. Maybe you should set him and Eva up since you like him so much'' I told her. I turned around to find her hand hitting my face. I guess she didn't like what I said. " I am your mother. And you will respect me. Make sure you wear something that make you look bigger than you are." , she told before storming off. Massaging my cheek for a few minutes , I grabbed my phone texting the group to meet at Mel's diner to grab breakfast . I got  dressed and headed downstairs to head out. Before leaving I grab a bottle of water from the kitchen.

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