Chapter 15: Coming Home

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"Child you are glowing. Never let someone make you lose your shine." Nana said as she rolled the dough. I had a few days left before I was set to return to the states. I want to spend every second I could with her. A part of me felt like being around her gave me strength and the moment I left all the strength I thought I had would leave me. " And you better not lose any of this strength you gained when you return home either" , she said. I looked at her confused how she could be reading my thoughts. " Didn't think I would know you were over thing turning the wheels in your head ", she laughed.

"Have you forgotten how many times I had to distract you as a child so you wouldn't overthink?, she said. I smiled as I continued cutting the fruits for the pie. Growing up, I used to sneak off to my grandparent's house before they moved away. They used to leave down the street from us. So whenever my mother would become too much to bear , I would sneak to their house. There I was just loved for me and wasn't judged or criticized. I used to help my grandfather in the garden and baked with Nana. They were my happy place. It broke my heart when Nana moved away after Grandpa died. She said the house brought her too much pain.

" Did someone say something about Nana James's famous pie?" , a familiar voice said. I turned around to see Derek, Benny and Brianna standing at the entrance with luggage. I jumped and ran to them. I jumped right into Benny's arms. It felt good to be in his arms. I missed them all so much. Since I've been here I have barely spoken to them. They have called , texted and emailed but I needed some space to just heal and put some things into perspective.

Next I hugged Brianna. She hugged me so hard I swear she cut my circulation for a few minutes. She whispered in my ear, " disappear like that again and I will find you and kill you". I looked at her like she was crazy but she gave me a smile that meant she was serious. And lastly but least, I gave Derek a hug. After his annoying big brother integration of how I was doing and what I have been doing , they walked over to Nana and greeted her.

Nana hit Derek with his wooden spoon. We all laughed. He rolled his eyes. " How many times have I told you three to call me just Nana not this Nana James stuff ?" , she asked them. They all said together ," Sorry Nana". I started laughing at them. " Ms. Giggles did you finish cutting the fruit like I told you?" , she asked me. " No Ma'am.", I replied. " Then hop to it", she said back. They silently laughed at me. I stuck my tongue out and put my middle finger out. " Jayla James , I saw that" , Nana said with her back to us. " Sorry Nana", I apologize. " Jean will be here soon for your luggage. We still have more stuff to prepare for dinner. Go wash your hands and one person will work on the corn , one person will peel the potatoes potatoes and the other will helps Jayla finish the fruti the pies.", she said to them.

As everyone was working on their task, they filled me in on everything that was going on. Benny told me how Miguel and him were in an exclusive relationship and how living together has been difficult for them. Derek and Briana told me about the little mini vacation they took to New York together. It felt so good to talk to my family. They were really all I had and I missed them dearly. I asked Briana if all my stuff was delivered to my condo.

She informed my real estate agent had been trying to get in contact with me for weeks. When she couldn't find me , she called my emergency contact Brianna. The deal fell through and I lost the condo. " So don't hate us but we move all your stuff to my house for the time being. Diane said as soon as you get back she will hit the ground running to find you a house", Brianna said pleading. I sighed and said " Fine but if it gets weird and I feel like a third wheel I am checking into a hotel". She jumped out of her seat and ran towards it. " Please can someone help me, I can't breathe. She's hugging me too tight again", I whispered.

Brianna's phone started ringing and I thanked the Gods for hearing my prayers. She answered and walked out the room. The guys talked to Nana about the orphanage. I was in my own thoughts as cut the fruit I didn't hear Briana walk back in. " Baby what's wrong", Derek asked worriedly. Everyone turned their attention to Brianna. She walked past him and walked straight to me. " Bri what's wrong ?", I asked her. She opened her mouth but nothing came out. The more she tried to talk, the more tears poured down her face.

Standing up so we were face to face I wiped her tears with my hands. " Bri, talk to me what's wrong?", I pleaded with her. This time when she opened her mouth the only thing she could say was " Your dad is in a coma". It was like all the life in me was knocked out. Tears formed in my eyes and poured down my face like a faucet. I took a few steps back as my legs felt like jello. Nana dropped the bowl she had in her hand on the floor. Benny went to console her. I could see Brianna and Derek trying to speak to me but I couldn't hear anything. I just keep replaying what she said in my head. I looked at Briana one more time to make sure I heard correctly. She had a look of sadness and pity. My head started spinning out of control. Next thing I saw was blackness.

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