Chapter 9

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Jacob spent next day smiling as he finished two more cars, a tune up on a motorcycle, and even had time to replace the bucket seats in the Mustang. He was a long way from finished, but still proud of how much he had accomplished.

Thoughts of last night with Renesmee had kept the ache in his gut away all day. Quil and Embry had been by earlier to help out and it was all he could do not to tell them about last night. He felt like things were getting back on track, but he didn't want to jinx it.

By five o'clock he was ready to shut down for the day. Renesmee had texted him as a reminder not to forget to pick up a new lock for her bedroom window. She even called him a dork again signed off with a smile emoji.

He rushed home to shower and change before heading to the hardware store in Forks. He grabbed a basket as he walked in, remembering that he needed a new light bulb for his refrigerator and some matches for the fireplace. He browsed the aisles for the items he needed. The store was mostly empty of customers except for one other person.

As Jacob made his way to the checkout counter, he could see her, chatting with the cashier and asking about plumber's putty.


She froze. She was obviously just as surprised to see him as he was to see her. As Leah turned to face him, she dropped all of her change on the floor. They both knelt down to retrieve it as he whispered, "We need to talk."

Leah couldn't get out of that store fast enough. When the cashier looked at him strangely, he fibbed, "Ex-girlfriend."

Jacob caught up with Leah before she could pull away from the curb. He stood in front of her Jeep and glared at her. "Where are you going?"

Leah scowled and turned the engine off. Jacob slid into the passenger seat as Leah gripped the steering wheel tightly. "I'm not apologizing to her."

Jacob reached over and snatched the keys from the ignition. "Then have fun walking home," as he exited her vehicle and stalked over to his motorcycle.

Leah sat frozen in her car for a moment and then ran to catch up with him. "Fine! I'll say sorry to her. Will that make you happy?"

Jacob killed the engine and turned to face her. "It's a start," he replied. "But I just wanna know one thing..."

Leah furrowed her brow and shrugged her shoulders. "Okay...what?"

"Why?" Jacob glared at Leah, waiting for a response. "How could you do that to me? You promised never to tell Renesmee that I imprinted on her."

"Somebody had to!"

"That wasn't your decision to make," he growled. "Her parents and I were going to tell her when she was ready."

Leah threw her hands up and sighed, "Well now she knows. So the real question is...what are you gonna do about it?"

Before Jacob could answer, Leah snatched her keys back and stomped back to her Jeep. As she drove past him, she called out, "Asshole!"


Jacob scowled as he drove to see Renesmee. He didn't want to let Leah's perpetual bad mood affect his night with Ness, but it was nagging him. What was her problem?

Renesmee answered the door with a frown on her face. "I thought you were never gonna get here."

As Jacob sauntered in, he shut the door behind him and smiled widely. "Is somebody anxious to see me?" he teased, reaching for her as she turned to run from him. She squealed as he grabbed her around her midsection and deposited her on the couch. He jumped over the back of the couch and landed next to her.

Can't Stand To See You Cry (Jacob)Where stories live. Discover now