Part 3

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Charlotte POV

I panicked. What am I suppose to do!?
The pains are starting gradually and it is not helping that there is nobody around.

I did the first thing that came to my mind and called Ethan. He didn't picked up, might be busy. What do I do now? I can't just sit here like this.

I called our driver and then struggling a hell lot than anybody can imagine I walked to the car. As soon as Gabriel, our driver saw me, he rushed towards me to help me sit in the car and then speed the car to the hospital.

As we reached the hospital, the nurses took me inside.

"Just call Ethan" I said to Gabriel before going.

I just hope Ethan be here in time. I want him here. I need him here.

Ethan POV

While I was with Charlotte at the ice cream parlour, Alice called me saying she needed to meet me as soon as possible. I got a little worried seeing her urgency and dropping Char home, I went to meet her straight away.

Alice, is my best friend and basically the only person in whole world I can totally connect to. She always brings that happy vibes with her. She has been with me since middle school and truly the bestest thing ever happened to me.

As I reached her house, she opened the door and hugged me immediately with that large grin on her face.

"Where have you been since so long!?" She said as I hugged her back.

"It has not been that long Alice! We met 4 days ago." I said pulling back from her.

"Ok ok get inside." She said excited as we headed inside.

As we sat on the couch I looked around her apartment, she has changed the interior a little bit and I have to say it looks amazing.

"You have done a good work here Ali." I said to her as she poured wine in the glasses for both of us.

"Well thank you. You know how talented I am!" She said flicking her hair as I chuckled.

She handed over a glass to me and sat beside me.

"Okay. So what was so urgent that you wanted me here asap!" I said rolling my eyes.

"Oh that! Can't I meet my best friend whenever I want?!" She said offended.

"Typical Alice!" I replied.

"Ya ya whatever.. but you know what I think we should go out shopping! Or I think.. a movie?" She said tapping her fingers on her glass.

"Alice I can't be here long.. Char is alone at home and need to be with her at this time."  I said to her.

"Come on Eths. Charlotte wouldn't mind, please let us go movie.. pleaseeeee. I want to spent some time with my best friend for once pleaseeeee." She said making a puppy face.

I could say no to her more than that, she is my best friend and since I got married we actually haven't spent much time hanging out together. Char would be fine.. she is home, Maria and Gabriel are there and she could call me anytime if she needs anything. Hence , I agreed for the movie.

Alice got so excited and went straight ahead to get ready. I have to admit even I am excited to spent some fun time without any worry for a while.

Soon she came back all ready, she is a model and she so justifies it. Her jet black hair and fair shade with the perfect body. Her eyes are grey and height is too perfect for her profession.

"I'm ready, let's go!" She said grabbing my hand and taking me out towards the car.

The whole drive was so fun, we chatted all the way and the laughter battle was non-stop.

After 2 hours of movie, she dragged me to Gucci store, which I strongly refused but nobody.. I mention nobody can win against her! I was getting bored as hell and decided to just check my phone for any notifications and maybe just call Char once.

As reached for my pocket to get the phone, it wasn't in it! Where the hell I forgot it?!

"Ali do you by any chance have my mobile phone with you?" I asked her if in any case. To which she shook her head denying and headed to see more stuffs.

I might have forgot it at her house or in the car. I decided to just see for it when we leave from here. Trying to leave as soon as possible I helped Ali a bit and then took a take out to make it fast, she was a little pissed about it but I had have enough.

Getting inside the car, I saw my phone there and checked it.

"Oh god!"
There were a missed call from Char, 20 missed calls from Gabriel and a series of messages from him as well asking to come hospital as soon as possible, Char is being operated.

Date: 12 August, 2019.

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