Part 8

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Ethan's PoV:

I heard a lot of laughter coming from the room as I got back after getting the names stuff done and I knew Tia has come. She is literally the loudest person I have known and clearly she just can't consider even her surrounding as well but she makes Char happy. So, she became one of my favourite people quite quickly too.

"Hello stranger!" She said as I went inside the room and went straight to the babies to check up on them. Ivan and Grace were lying down while Char was feeding Will. "Such an attention seeker Tia!" I said turning around and facing her. She gave me an offending look I know she isn't taking me serious.

"I knew I hated you for a reason!" she countered back. It was true though. She hated me when I initially met Char 3 years ago and hate was mutual from both side. She hated me because she thought I was someone that is forced into her best friend's life and is there to change and ruin her life.. yeah, she was this harsh. Well, I hated her because she hated me and would never allow me to meet, talk and spend time with Char if she was given any sense of power in that moment. My views though changed pretty fast when I got to know Char and how important Tia is to her and I think, Char convinced her into finally accept me as her best friend's husband.

"Oh come on. I thought we were over this." I chuckled while Char and Tia started laughing. I went near her bed where Tia was sitting on the stool near her bed.

"Congratulations buddy." Tia said grinning. I know she is always few of those people who will always be genuinely happy for us.


"Well, we kind of have to celebrate two things today Ethan." Char told me.

"Well, I thought we already have three reasons to celebrate today?" I said looking towards our triplets. Honestly, I love irritating her because she doesn't really do much and just whines whenever I irritate her making a small pout, AND she did exactly that now. I chuckled seeing her, " Fine! Sorry. What is the other reason if I may know?"

"T here.. is getting married!" My wife exclaimed. My eyes went wide as I turned towards Tia, seeing her from up to down while she grinned at me clearly showing her happiness.

"Really? Adam is really actually marrying you?" I teased Tia while she rolled her eyes. That's how I'm with Tia and that's how she is to me. We never really mind what the other says.

"You!" She reached forward to hit me but I back away at right time. Believe it or not this girl is violent.

"Congratulations Tia. I'm really happy for you." I said after subsiding my laughter. She smiled back as a thank you.

"So, if my husband and my best friend are done behaving like kids, would you people atleast take a selfie to store this moment of happiness for us all?" Char said as she laid Will carefully beside her after feeding him.

"Sure baby." I said and then pecking her on cheek I went to towards Ivan and Grace. "Though this is only for Tia, because I have already taken a lot of pictures of us and these three." I picked both of them carefully from their crib, one on my each arm. Handed Grace to Char and Ivan to Tia and I picked Will myself and took out my phone to take a selfie of all of us.

After a while of Few selfies and a lot of time of Tia irritating me to take a number of different pictures of her with all three babies with different poses, she was finally done.

"So when is the wedding?" Char asked her.

"After three months. We haven't decided an exact date yet but it'll be around there." Her bestie replied with awe in her eyes. This girl really loves Adam. They met in college and now have been together for 5 years. Their love for each other always shows in there eyes when they talk about each other. Most of the people who know them were sure that this day would come when he proposes her, from the very start. "And, obviously I want you to be my maid of honour, Charrie." She said mentioning my wife with her childhood nickname. Charrie. I like it. She never lets me say it.

"Ofcourse, T! Definitely." Char said smiling back. "Do you have anything in mind for you wedding gown?"

"Not really, but I saw this gown online one day..." and I zoned out as they started talking about more fashion stuff and went to check any new messages or email.

There were a lot of messages from my friends, acquaintances, colleagues and clients to congratulate us. I replied to as many people as I could. Alice messaged me and chatted with her for a while, her and me don't really need a topic to talk most of the time we can talk literally anything that comes to our mind. Next was my mother asking if everything was going fine here and that she would come tomorrow to see us again. Then was my father, informing us about a party they are going to arrange for the babies next week, okay, I have to talk to Char regarding this. She doesn't really like parties much and try to avoid them as much as possible, considering that she herself belong the same environment of these parties, ball, events as her father is a businessman himself, it was weird to most people, but I understood her.

I opened my social media next and started scrolling through it. As I scanned it, I know this would be a much more stressful for her than the party talk. There was highlights of our children and us being parents all over the Internet now. They were starting to talk about and spreading it before we actually want it to be.

But this comes with this type of life.

Hope you liked it. Sunday there will be no update, see you guys on Monday.

Love love 💕

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