Part 4

41 10 14

Ethan's POV

"Eths what happened?! You are literally ready to kill me by this driving of yours!! Please slow down for Christ's sake!"  Alice yelled at me while I was driving to the hospital at the speed I have never drove before.

"And for Christ's sake can you please shut up Ali! Char is at hospital and I need to be there right now." I replied getting annoyed at her.

"What the hell Eths.. and you are telling me now!? I can't believe you" She started with her chatter again.

"Do you want me to drop you first?" I asked her hoping she would say no so that I can get to Char as soon as possible.

"Don't be dumb! Move to the hospital."

It's already 15 min since I am driving and the traffic is terrible, and on that the distance from mall to the hospital is of 1 hour! Trust me this is not helping.

I am starting to Panick, what all might be happening there? Is Char okay? Are babies fine?

I felt a pacifying touch over my hand, i looked up to see Alice's smiling at me.. trying to calm me down.

"Eths everything will be fine. Don't worry, I am with you." She smiled.

Her eyes were so promising.. I am lucky to have her.. lucky that she is my best friend and she is always there whenever I need her. I smiled back at her.
She can be a little weird and hard to handle at times.. but no I am not complaining.

We finally reached hospital after one and a half hour, all the credits the terrific traffic of New York. Ali followed me as I ran inside towards the reception.

"Where is Charlotte Hayden?" I asked the lady sitting there in a rather more rude tone than I intended.

"Who are you to the patient?" She asked, seriously she is the most annoying human being right now!

"I am her husband! Now can you please hurry and tell where is she?"

"Sure sir, she is in ICU right now for the observations after her operation, it is on the second floor." I ran from there even before she was able to complete her sentence.

I took the stairs rather than to stand there waiting for the lift. As I reached there, I saw Gabriel sitting there outside the ICU on the waiting benches. He stood up as I walked forward.

"Sir, Congratulations, Ma'am is inside right now. Doctor just came and she said she wanted to talk to you."
I nodded back at him before going to the doctor's cabin.

I don't really know what to feel right now, what all is happening, it's just not getting settled inside my brain. Char is in ICU, is she okay? Where are my babies? I don't know anything.

"Hello, Mr. Hayden. Come sit." The doctor said as I got to her cabin.

"Doctor how is Charlotte now?"

"She is perfect, just a little observation and rest." She said smiling.

"Thank god" I whispered.

"And how are the babies? Where are they?" I asked

"Babies are fine Mr. Hayden, you don't have to Panick. Now be happy. Congratulations." She chuckled.

"Thank you so much doctor, thank you!" I replied as I sighed in relief.

"I want to meet them" I said

"You sure can meet your babies, but you can't meet your wife right now.. we will shift her in the room after an hour or so then you can meet her." She said, I nodded and stoop up to leave. As I was about to open the door, she stopped me.

"Charlotte didn't wanted the operation till you come, she wanted to wait. She insisted, but we had to do it to save them."  She said in all her seriousness.

I nodded before leaving from there.
I know the mistake is done, and would do anything I can to make it upto her.
I dropped a message to my mom informing her and then headed towards the room my babies were kept.

"Eths what happened? What did doctor say?" I heard Alice from behind me. I totally forgot about her since I got here.  I turned around towards her.

"I am so sorry Ali, I just totally forgot you were here with me. Well, doctor said everything is fine now.. and I am heading to see the babies now." I said and the excitement of seeing them can't be hidden from my voice.

"Oh amazing! Congratulations dearie!! I am so happy for you." She said hugging me. I hugged her back even tighter, she is always so cheery to share all your happiness with.. she just makes it even more celebratory.

"Okay now come.. let's meet those little angles, I can't wait now!" She said pulling me with her as I chuckled.

To say this is the most contented sigh in my life will be understatement. They are perfect. They are all I can ever wish for.
I picked up my baby girl in my arms, she is the most beautiful creature I have seen. She is blonde like her mother and has blue eyes like me. She moved in my arms once and then closed her eyes slowly getting comfy there.

I placed her down in her cradle and moved to my boys beside her, I picked them up one by one.. they both have dark hairs like me and one have green eyes like Char while the other has blue like mine. They are adorable and I can't help just looking at them. I placed the last one in his cradle and saw them as unconsciously a tear escaped my eye.

"I want to pick them too.. let me see them!" Alice said coming forward as she picked one of them, I saw them as she cradled them in her arms.

Date: 17 August,2019.
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