Chapter 4

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Sebastian sat at the girl's bedside, wondering what to do now. Finally realizing that he wasn't going to get her to calm down, he had simply raised his power level until she passed out again. The red head was much easier to deal with when she slept. He needed a plan.

First thing in the morning, he would call the agency and tell them not to send anymore candidates. At least that problem was worked out. But, did he really want to keep her here until this business was finished? Most demons took their mates to their home as soon as the chains were linked. But, could he leave his master vulnerable for that amount of time? Perhaps he could have another come and watch the human while he tended to his mate?

No. He had been worn down by this contract and couldn't afford to expend the energy. Not mention his current master's propensity to draw fatal notice from others. It would also put him right back into his problem with Lady Elizabeth.

Such a blessing for a demon and she was such a problem right now. It had been centuries since he had waited for a mate. The one soul that was created to compliment and command him.

'Romantic in theory, but rather uncomfortable in reality.'

It had started with the Fallen. No one knew why, but Sebastian had watched as one by one, the proud angels had met men and women that seemed to tame them. Then slowly as if by a trickle, the demons that had once been human started to bring mates back from the human world as well.

He hadn't even considered a mate for himself until his own mentor had returned from a contract, a blond human man in tow.

It wasn't long after that his mentor had decided that Sebastian had grown too powerful to continue to be a member of his "family." When he had gained his own black-feathered wings. Since the beginning, elder demons had taken younger under their wing to train them. In times when religion was more prevalent, demons needed training to protect themselves from demon hunters and the church. They slowly developed into families that banded together for strength and companionship.

Should a member of the family grow to a power level that seemed to threaten the family head, they were pushed out. The younger did have the option to stay and try to fight for the leadership position, but were rarely successful.

The younger demons never stood a chance against the tricks of the Elders. They always kept some technique or power hidden away for just such an occasion.

Sebastian himself had been pushed out of his original family many years before, but stayed in the same area of hell. Thankfully, he had understood that power wasn't everything in battle and had left easily and on good terms with his mentor. The ancient demon was a powerful ally that he was happy to still have if he needed. Wars in hell were rare, but did happen.

'You've grown too powerful, boy. There is nothing more for me to teach you, it's time for you to form your own family.'

He still remembered the alien emotion of fear at the time. Being on his own was a completely new experience and one that he wasn't happy with.

The demon's first destination after leaving his mentor's tower had been the pit fights. Most new demons ended up there looking for a mentor. Next to the area that most humans imagine hell as, the pit was a nightmare, too horrible to describe. Young demons would fight, to prove their strength and skill to the Elders and hoped to be accepted into a family and escape.

Lucien was the first that he had seen. He could see the sin that attracted the fairly new demon, even Lucien didn't recognize it himself. The blonde was drawn to lust, one of dozens of others and physically weaker than those around him. However, he was smart. 

He won the fight by using his brain and waiting for a perfect moment to strike. He was beautiful, but that didn't mean much to demons. More importantly, the much younger demon was more than willing to follow orders and give utter loyalty to the being that gave him a way out of the hellish fighting.

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